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Serial communication in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2024-04-19Updated:2024-04-19
Similar words: commercial communicationoral communicationoptical communicationanimal communicationvisual communicationsignal communicationverbal communicationdigital communication
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1. The package explains the complexities of serial communications using on screen tutorials with animated sections.
2. Standard serial communication over telephone lines is sufficient for remote capabilities.
3. Serial communication and 100 meters wireless transmission mode.
4. Design of a Practice Extended Interface for Serial Communication.
5. DDS front end of a serial communication programming procedures.
6. To realize the multi-position management, the serial communication circuit was designed.
7. This paper presents a serial communication protocol structure based on open system interconnection reference model. The function and realization method of every layer is discussed.
8. Briefness of SCM serial communication design, elevation of transferring rate and the practice proved in practice.
9. By serial communication, the cooperative control of welding parameters is realized between PLC and microcontroller.
10. Some literatures have shows the method of serial communication with multi-thread technology, but multi serial port parallel communication is little referred to.
11. VXIbus word serial communication protocols defined the communication mode between VXIbus message - based commander and message - based servant.
12. Microcomputer through the serial communication precise control pwm frequency and pulse width.
13. Emphatically studies now the popular serial communication agreement and the serial communication electric circuit design and investigates examines the miscount method realization.
14. The code for the asynchronous serial communication program,[] the control chip for the ATMEGA 16.
15. The welcome method is serial communication to realize the data communication with the host computer.
16. Then the design of the RS-422 serial communication module is introduced in detail, including the whole scheme of serial communication module and the design of functional circuit.
17. ModBus serial communication protocol and broadcast communication was used in this system.
18. The monitoring instrument is characteristic of its serial communication module and two kinds of working patterns.
19. This paper analyses the basic method of the serial communication, introduces the compose of the system of automatic phonic alarm and how to achieve it.
20. In order to satisfy the special requirement of synchronic serial communication protocol between multiplexor and synchronic data terminal, we design the special communication chip with CPLD.
21. Asynchronous communication mechanism is adopted to improve the efficiency and reliability in serial communication.
22. By means of one example of Photoelectricity Calculagraph , this paper is focused on the principle of Serial Communication with PC104 and gives one application of the principle.
23. In order to change the frequency , value and the kinds of waveforms, the serial communication circuit was used.
24. For the sake of communicating with PC, HCU has serial communication circuit.
25. Focus on how to make existing SCM and PC serial communication theory, circuit and procedures.
26. In order to realize the normal data communication between each part of the system, we adopt serial communication and parallel communication technology, and design the communication protocol.
27. Its hardware is composed of DSP controlling board and motor driving board. There are two choices for the serial communication between the DSP board and the PC.
28. In the hardware field, CPLD is entitled for system logical control; Serial communication derived from UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) frees the DSP of burdensome control.
29. The experimental result shows that it has some useful reference value for the design of serial communication and USB master-slave system.
30. Here is the communication protocol used in half-duplex asynchronous serial communication, parallel input serial output sampling.
More similar words: commercial communicationoral communicationoptical communicationanimal communicationvisual communicationsignal communicationverbal communicationdigital communicationpersonal communicationelectrical communicationdigital communicationsinternational communicationFederal Communication Commissionoptical communication systemfederal communications commissionparallel communicationcommunicationlaser communication systemcommunicationsexcommunicationcommunicationalone-way communicationcommunication linecommunication modecommunication linkmass communicationtelecommunicationdata communicationtwo-way communicationvoice communication
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