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Roberts in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+2Posted:2019-01-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: robertrobert owenrobert kochrobert e. leerobert boylerobert frostrobert fultonrobert walpoleMeaning: n. 1. United States biochemist (born in England) honored for his discovery that some genes contain introns (born in 1943) 2. United States evangelist (born 1918) 3. United States writer remembered for his historical novels about colonial America (1885-1957) 4. a Welsh pirate credited with having taken more than 400 ships (1682-1722). 
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151. Roberts, who portrays Gilbert, told Reuters in a separate interview that she could relate to Gilbert's soul-searching.
152. This year we've got the older gal blockbuster hit "Something's Gotta Give" and the "youngish teacher and her lovely colts" movie, "Mona Lisa Smile" -- featuring chick-flick staple Julia Roberts.
153. "I think she'd be unabashed about going toe-to-toe with Roberts—including in cases where other justices maybe wouldn't or couldn't, " said Harry Litman, a former U.
154. It was a shame that not many people knew about this film because Roberts does a good job of portraying Alex Villard, who runs the academy with a "win at all costs" mentality.
155. Supreme Court members, in a majority opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, convinced themselves that Frederick's banner was a public promotion of the use of illegal drugs.
156. Maj. Alexis "Lex" Roberts, 32, was killed Thursday by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan.
157. Its fairy-tale quality, the one by which a woman's quest ends with a man, seemed less like real life and more like a Julia Roberts movie.
158. Mr Roberts, a teacher at Copland Community School in Wembley, said that the TV shows create a ‘false image of success, that anyone can do it and it’s just a matter of luck rather than hard work’.
159. Roberts is not entirely wrong to allege that Gandhi was "a political incompetent, and a fanatical faddist.
160. Insurance products, unlike mortgages, are not standardised, says Mr Roberts.
161. British streaker Mark Roberts prepares to kick the ball into the Bayer Leverkusen goal during the Champions League final at Hampden Park stadium in Glasgow, May 15, 2002.
162. I am just a girl from Smyrna, Georgia who wanted to be in movies, " Roberts once said and it is a sentiment that clearly touches American audiences.
163. Margaret Roberts, who was never called "Maggie, " is remembered in Grantham as a studious, determined little girl with the cherubic looks of a cupid on a Victorian valentine.
164. Mr Roberts has a strong preference for making " narrow " decisions that have limited value as precedents.
165. 'The current 8.3 billion tons of known global reserves will last for about 250 years at current rates of production,' says Dr. Roberts of IPNI.
166. Robin Roberts and Diane Sawyer, along with some special little friends, congratulate the cast of Sesame Street on the show's 40th anniversary.
167. Everything Mark Earle made through fishing in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland(, Canada.
168. But the clear signal of the Roberts Court is that any reform designed to muck about with whatever wealth wants is constitutionally suspect.
169. Richard J. Roberts and Phillip Sharp discovered in 1977 that genes can be split into segments.
170. That night, Goodrich told the men at dinner that he would excise the scene with Neil Roberts from the game and change the game into a work of historical fiction rather than a sort of docudrama.
171. Chief Justice John Roberts was one of four dissenters. He said the court provided no guidance about when recusal will be constitutionally required.
172. Roberts and colleagues report their findings in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
173. I participated in a seminar -- taught an afternoon session and seminar at Oral Roberts University.
174. Dr Nicholas Roberts, lead author of the paper published in Nature Photonics, said his work showed for the first time the unique design and mechanism of the mantis shrimp's eye.
175. Roberts is up against Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore , Reese Witherspoon and Charlize Theron for the award.
176. Dr. Roberts is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
177. In the split decision, Chief Justice John Roberts, a conservative, sided with the dissenters.
178. Chief Justice John Roberts is out of a Maine hospital.
178. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
179. In his home town of Bayonne, New Jersey, Roberts reported, “the Italian church has masses in Spanish.
180. She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (live-in boyfriend Brad Pitt is also a lefty).
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