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Rapid access in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-04-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: distributed accessprivileged accessunauthorized accessaccessrapidnessaccessoraccessoryaccessary
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1) But people can't get outraged without rapid access to solid, useful information—what we used to call journalism.
2) Rapid access to information is one of the goals of this integration.
3) Many concurrent users perform numerous transactions that require rapid access to data. Availability, speed, concurrency, and recoverability are key issues.
4) This allows rapid access to this information when designing applications.
5) The statement was published in a rapid access issue of Circulation, July 16,( access.html) 2007.
6) It provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects.
7) This allows rapid access to this information when designing applications or using IBM designers and its smart editors for intellisense.
8) Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine. It provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects.
9) Consumers would have obtained easy, free of charge and rapid access to important data.
10) The method presented in this paper has merits as: high efficiency, rapid access, simplicity and practicality, and high reliability.
11) Due to major Internet protagonists like Google, scientists and scholars are accustomed to relatively comprehensive and rapid access to the results.
12) The Palo Alto, Calif. , company will provide the technology infrastructure needed to drive DISA's Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE).
13) The narrower scope for newcomers may disappoint foreign bankers eager for rapid access to a broad range of business on Chinese exchanges.
14) Similar to a library, these tree browsers provide different indexes of the available elements for rapid access.
15) Elliptical curve encryption system has achieved some basic algorithms, such as rapid access modules algorithms, rapid modules plus algorithms, rapid modules reverse algorithm. etc.
16) As the service handles more requests for external LSIDs, the cache grows, allowing increasingly rapid access to external data.
17) Students with good aspects of the photonics expertise, to quickly access the current area of photonics research and rapid access to all relevant professionals to conduct further study and research.
18) Indexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers; provides rapid access to files through flexible querying language.
19) This paper focuses the analysis and comparison on the rapid access property of RASS, and gets a positive conclusion.
20) Within the broad scope of the book, each topic is reviewed authoritatively by experts in the field, and the accompanying bibliographies allow rapid access to the relevant current literature.
More similar words: distributed accessprivileged accessunauthorized accessaccessrapidnessaccessoraccessoryaccessaryaccessionaccessingaccess roadself-accessaccessibleaccessiblyaccess codefast accessfree accessaccess pathaccess timeaccess pointaccessorizeaccessoriesaccessionalquick accessrandom accessmultiaccessaccessorialinaccessibleinaccessiblyremote access
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