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Pointer in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+4Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Spanish pointerarrowcursorSimilar words: counterpointpointedappointedpointedlydisappointedpointpointspointyMeaning: ['pɔɪntə(r)]  n. 1. a mark to indicate a direction or relation 2. an indicator as on a dial 3. (computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions 4. a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches; scents out and points game. 
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91. Some garbage collection algorithms require significant cooperation from the compiler or runtime environment, such as updating reference counts whenever a pointer assignment is performed.
92. A predicate function object or function pointer, see below for more information.
93. Each component has mouseX and mouseY properties, which tell you the relative location of the mouse pointer with respect to the component.
94. When in use, the indicating pointer of a valve plate is rotated to point to some branch pipe on the dial plate, and the liquid of the liquid inlet main pipe flows to the branch pipe.
95. This code clips the parameters to allowable ranges, checks for a null pointer assignment, and so on.
96. If a function is executing, then the stack pointer is pointing to the top of the whole stack, which is also the top of that function's activation record.
97. I was a West Pointer and so I was in the artillery.
98. Adding variables that require a constructor at a point before the instruction pointer.
99. The pointer changes to cross hairs and a gridline appears indicating where the column will be added.
100. The virtual memory area (VMA) pointer needs to be added in as the first parameter followed by the usual four parameters (start, end, size, and protection flags).
101. Callout with border line and elbow pointer at side of text block.
102. It defines a set of address spaces for each pointer variable that is optimally efficient for the C8051 architecture, without any specific direction from the programmer.
103. By and by Aleck subscribed to a Chicago daily and for the WALL STREET POINTER.
104. The other alternative is to modify the instruction pointer register using the rm command and just type go.
105. Normal control characters (characters with values less than 32): This especially includes character 0, traditionally called NUL; I call it NIL to distinguish it from C's NULL pointer.
106. Traditional data partition ways are not suitable to pointer array whose member points to an array, so this paper presents a new mode to solve this problem, named array-vector data partition mode.
107. The cage is connected by a spindle to the torque spring and pointer.
108. If a frame pointer is used, the option exists to dynamically create the parameter stack area.
109. When defining a pointer to multidimensioned array multidimensioned array is really anarray of arrays.
110. The calling function must not care where the stack pointer is currently pointing.
111. Since pushing a variable essentially moves the stack pointer by a dword, the stack pointer is adjusted by adding 4 (the size of a dword) to it (line 32).
112. Accordingly, this library also provides improved versions of the standard function pointer adapters.
113. Tool tips - When you place mouse pointer over an identifier, a tool tip with information about the identifier appears.
114. Therefore according to the type of array element is different, the array can divide again for numerical array, the string array, pointer arrays, structure array, etc all categories.
115. Position the pointer over any canvas resize handle and drag to scale.
115. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
116. An identifier is a modifiable lvalue if it refers to a memory structure, union , or pointer.
117. Note that moving the current record pointer has some interactions with any sorting or filtering that is applied to the collection.
118. You'll find arithmetic operators, binary operators, assignment operators, and pointer dereferencing.
119. You can use a touchpad or graphics tablet to move a mouse pointer.
120. A frame function can dynamically allocate stack space and can employ a frame pointer.
More similar words: counterpointpointedappointedpointedlydisappointedpointpointspointypoint outpoint upappointpoint topinpointto a pointin point ofto the pointstandpointviewpointpoint the waypointlesspoint-blankdisappointcheckpointfocal pointpoint of viewpoint of orderappointmentto the point ofpointillisma case in point
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