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Parabolic reflector in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2024-05-31Updated:2024-05-31
Similar words: parabolicreflectorparabolic mirrorparabolic antennacorner reflectorantenna reflectorreflect ondeflectorMeaning: n. a concave reflector used to produce a parallel beam when the source is placed at its focus or to focus an incoming parallel beam. 
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1) Array-fed parabolic reflector and shaped reflector with a single feed are usually used to be contoured beam satellite antenna.
2) Compared with the parabolic reflector, a phase factor is of most importance in the efficiency evaluation of Fresnel zone phase-corrected plate(FZP) ones.
3) The telescope is the largest parabolic reflector antenna in our country. The technologies used in the telescope are electromagnetics , optics, control, mechanics, structures and civil engineering.
4) The design of an airborne off - set parabolic reflector antenna with low sidelobes is discussed.
5) Coma -- associated mainly with parabolic reflector telescopes which affect the off-axis images and are more pronounced near the edges of the field of view.
6) The parabolic reflector of a searchlight gives a parallel beam.
7) It features a parabolic reflector that rotates around an incandescent lamp,( reflector.html) providing 60 flashes per minute in all directions.
8) A new style fast heating infrared equipment parabolic reflector equipped , was developed for heating metal samples.
9) The surface of the parabolic reflector antenna is the most important part in receiving microwave signal.
10) Firstly, it is reflected and given direction by the cut-away skull bone, acting as a parabolic reflector.
11) The radiant cooler used in the sun synchronous orbit is always designed two stages with a W-shaped parabolic reflector .
12) Therefore, in practice, it is common to make a good feed first and then, according to it, choose or make parabolic reflector with F/D that fits the best.
13) The parabolic antenna fed with half - wave dipole , with circular disc short - focus parabolic reflector was studied.
14) An antenna was developed to radiate high power, sub nanosecond EM pulse, which consists of a high power wideband mode convertor, a wire frame TEM horn feedback set and a parabolic reflector.
15) We will create a non-sequential system with a filament source, a parabolic reflector and a planoconvex lens that couples light into a rectangular lightpipe, as shown in the layout below.
16) In order to collect more sunlight, when it's not straight to fall onto parabolic reflector, we design the appropriate dimension of entering hole to allow the departure.
17) A new style fast heating infrared equipment, with tungsten halogen lamp and parabolic reflector equipped, was developed for heating metal samples.
18) One of the important factors affecting the efficiency of parabolic reflector antennas is the degree to which the surface of the reflector deviates from the true parabolic shape.
19) Genetic Algorithm(GA) was used to synthesize the patterns of the focal plane array feeding parabolic reflector antenna in deep-space exploration.
More similar words: parabolicreflectorparabolic mirrorparabolic antennacorner reflectorantenna reflectorreflect ondeflectorreflectometerreflectparabolareflectedreflection effectreflectivereflectingreflectionelectric refrigeratorparaboloidreflectancereflectivelyunreflectingreflectivityreflectionalunreflectivemetabolic ratereflected wavewave reflectionreflection waveself-reflectionantireflection
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