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Palm in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+9Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: decorationhandlelaurel wreathmedalmedallionpalm treeribbonthenarSimilar words: realmalmostsalmonpalepalacealma materprincipalpalatialMeaning: [pɑ(l)m /pɑːm]  n. 1. the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers 2. a linear unit based on the length or width of the human hand 3. any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves 4. an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event. v. touch, lift, or hold with the hands. 
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(121) You and me and two luscious girls lying back under the palm trees.
(122) Two uprooted palm trees blocked their way at the foot of the stairs.
(123) We have calculated the West Palm Beach rate at a lower figure: $ 26. 75 a square foot.
(124) Q: Could you give me some information on cherry laurel, sago palm and elaeagnus?
(125) A friendly palm flashes up from the shadows, like a pink glove.
(126) If you are used to handling an ordinary palm sander, the oval grip will be familiar.
(127) She picked him up with her left hand and held him clasped in her palm.
(128) Palm trees are swaying in the breeze, skies are blue and the sea is even bluer.
(129) The walls were made of stripped palm fronds, closely woven and tied with hemp to the wooden uprights.
(130) It had long been believed that he who held the Tower, held London in the palm of his hand.
(131) She gripped my hand, pressing dirt and flesh into my palm.
(132) She held it in her palm and gazed at it, as if stricken, tears streaming down her cheeks.
(133) In front of our building was a patch of raked gravel with flowerbeds full of geraniums and palm plants.
(134) Under his bed he had a complete medicine chest, full of stuff given him by a veterinary friend in Palm Beach.
(135) A few remaining palm trees clad in white coral dust looked ghostly in the moonlight.
(136) Isabel scratched her left palm with her right forefinger,[] anxious.
(137) Horton picked the spider up, held it in his palm and asked if the insect was bothering anyone.
(138) I chose the deep shade of the palm grove where the high foliage sprinkled drops of sunlight on the path.
(139) The joke was that palm trees were being sold on the black market.
(140) It has an enticing colour photograph of palm trees and white sand.
(141) What seemed unusual, in this landscape of tropical mountains, was the combination of pine trees, cacti and palm fronds.
(142) I noticed that the assistant bank manager was biting his lower lip and grinding his right fist into his left palm.
(143) In his open palm were two spent bullets, subtly different in shape from anything I was familiar with.
(144) He gripped her fingers against his calloused palm and led her forward.
(145) With every nerve tingling she lowered her hand, barely feeling the comb bite into her palm as her grip tightened.
(145) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(146) Palm trees sway on the backs of countless cotton shirts.
(147) Most of us were pie-eyed drunk from the boilermakers Doy had been concocting out of palm spirits and San Miguel.
(148) Nearly all exported products were primary commodities such as palm oil and cocoa, or copper and gold.
(149) I brushed it off and placed it in the center of my palm, where it looked tiny and fragile.
(150) I used clay - I put my palm in clay to get the natural contours of my hand.
More similar words: realmalmostsalmonpalepalacealma materprincipalpalatialmunicipalPalestinian
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