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Ornidazole in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-09-02Updated:2024-09-02
Similar words: metronidazoleimidazolebenzimidazolemidazolamimidazolinealbendazolemebendazolethiabendazole
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1. Objective To observe the effect difference between ornidazole and tinidazole in treatment of cases with trichomonal vaginitis and theirs side effects.
2. CONCLUSION Gatifloxacin injection can be mixed in ornidazole sodium chloride injection.
3. Conclusion Ornidazole has the same efficacy with tinidazole in treatment of trichomonal vaginitis.
4. Objective To observe the effect of ornidazole on trichomonal vaginitis and its side effects.
5. Clinical observation on the curative effect of ornidazole in the treatment of Trichomonal vaginitis.
6. Methods To prepare an aphthae liquor of ornidazole and to determine the drug content by HPLC.
7. Objective : To prepare the compound ornidazole tincture and study the quality control of this preparation.
8. Objective To evaluate the stability of ornidazole for injection compatible with gatifloxacin and sodium chloride
9. To prepare an aphthae liquor of ornidazole and to determine the drug content by HPLC.
10. Objective : To prepare the compound ornidazole gargle and determine its contents.
11. Objective To determine the preparation and quality control of compound ornidazole suppository.
12. Conclusion: The method can be used for separating the enantiomers of Ornidazole and controlling of the impurity of dextroisomer in S-Ornidazole substances.
13. N hydroxylalkylation of nitro imidazoles is a key procedure in preparing medicines such as secnidazole and ornidazole.
14. Conclusions:It is effective and safe to treat stomatologic infection with ornidazole pill.
15. OBJECTIVE : To establish a method for determining the content of Ornidazole gel first-order derivative spectrophotometry.
16. CONCLUSION: With lowest cost and little side effects, the use of metronidazole suppositories plus ornidazole tablets is most effective for treatment of trichomonal vaginitis.
17. Aim To study the preparation and quality control method for ornidazole Aphthae liquor.
More similar words: metronidazoleimidazolebenzimidazolemidazolamimidazolinealbendazolemebendazolethiabendazoleazolethiazoletetrazolecarbazoleomeprazoleitraconazoleclotrimazolebenzothiazolesulfamethoxazoleazollacefazolintetrazoliumacetazolamidepyridazinonenidalbenzolecnidarialeonidasnidationtrinidadarachnidapilonidal
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