Similar words: tautological, dermatological, eschatological, entomological, gerontologist, paleontologist, ecological, urological. Meaning: adj. of or relating to ontology.
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1. Knowledge of their ontological status thus functions in Textermination as a trope for indeterminacy.
2. Strictly speaking, in what ontological category of things are causes and other conditions, the things which comprise causal circumstances?
3. Thus, contemporary ontological debates relating to the photograph are divergent.
4. The ontological status of fictional worlds has been of interest to philosophers as well as literary critics.
5. It is clearly not a property of ontological objects, despite the fact that singular existential propositions can make perfectly good sense.
6. Moreover the ontological reductivist can not state his own philosophical position coherently.
7. Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism?
8. Methods: Using ontological classification principle and method.
9. Lao Tzu thought of the "covering" in the ontological level,[] which differs it from the "demasking" of Hsun Tzu. We can't consider it as "becloud" in the epistemological level.
10. Versions of Anselm’s ontological argument were later used by both St. Thomas Aquinas and Rene Descartes and were, much later still, heavily criticised by Immanuel Kant.
11. Mining association rules with ontological information bases on built domain ontology, using an algorithm of data mining, to produce semantic association rules which are more greatly satisfying users.
12. Nevertheless there are certain minimal logical conditions that must be satisfied before any references to ontological existents can be accepted as meaningful.
13. There are a number of complex issues bound up with this particular matter, ontological and epistemological, practical as well as theoretical.
14. They can be objects of thought-acts in reflective consciousness, but they do not qualify as ontological existents.
15. That is, one who is a monotheist does not accept the ontological reality of idols.
16. Where and how do we draw a line between ontological existents and fictions?
17. The plan of inquiry Another basic problem that emerges from a discussion of the concept of an ontological existent concerns numerical diversity.
17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
18. The Leibnizian concept of reality always begins with logic and metaphysics, from which one works into progressively more exterior ontological orders.
19. Nevertheless there are important factors that give a strong impetus to a reductivist reasoning. Let us consider the ontological version first.
20. But secondly, and more assertively, they examine the extremely diverse ways in which ontological insecurity is both generated and overcome.
21. Amanda's grief for her father was compounded by anxiety over his ontological status.
22. Like most modern literature, the new narrative reflects the ontological uncertainty of contemporary man.
23. The second " proof " of God's existence is usually called the ontological argument.
24. If this is correct, then all versions of the ontological argument fail.
25. Marx exceeds rationalistic metaphysics and Political Economy and realizes the ontological transform of production.
26. In the words of sociologist Chase, we would be applying ontic measurements to ontological phenomena.
27. The text is mainly made up of four parts:For the first part, it is about the hackle and exploration of the main content on Tillich' Ontological Reason.
28. Laozi's thoughts involve cosmism, ontology, philosophy and political science. "Tao", as the core of Laozi's thoughts, has cosmogenetic and ontological meanings.
29. In the fourth Way, Aquinas offers a version of the Ontological Argument (see Anselm).
30. The fourth examines some of the major Barclays extreme nominalist ontological theory in the performance.
More similar words: tautological, dermatological, eschatological, entomological, gerontologist, paleontologist, ecological, urological, theological, geological, biological, palaeontologist, theologically, biologically, ideological, ecologically, phonological, neurological, mythological, pathological, etymological, astrological, sociological, ethnological, toxicological, psychological, physiological, chronological, technological, archeological.