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Of name in a sentence

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Sentence count:36Posted:2024-12-11Updated:2024-12-11
Similar words: law of naturebay of napleslaw of nationsa call of naturestate of naturecomity of nationsjesus of nazarethleague of nations
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1. It's the kind of name that sticks in your mind.
2. For this reason a change of name is proposed from external auditors to external assessors.
3. Mary Teresa Epstein, what kind of name was that for a good Catholic girl, orthodox to the core?
4. There have been a lot of name changes in retailing lately,[sentence dictionary] he noted.
5. Circumstances in which a change of name would be permitted would include marriage or the acquisition of a title.
6. Don't use part of name, birthday, social security number, or similar information for your loved ones.
7. Namespaces resolve the problem of name conflict, However, the way of settle is not very well.
8. Hence, the whole process of name translation is a process of creative treason.
9. Therefore, the company 2008 annual audit of name by a corresponding change to Huaxing.
10. The algorithm reveals the relation between the size of name space and the node number.
11. Problems include such difficulties as changes of name and variant name forms.
12. In case of name collisions with context variable resolved by the Human Task Manager, the intermediate result overrides any "normal" context variables with the same name.
13. Other than those restrictions, almost any other type of name is acceptable.
14. The change of name from CSCE to OSCE since 1995 is widely read as a nominal development.
15. In reality, any type of name can be effective if it's backed by the appropriate marketing strategy .
16. In fact, name validation occurs as an extension of name resolution when no match for a message recipient is found.
17. You also must provide evidence of change of name(if applicable). Thiswould include a Marriage Certificate or a Deed Poll notice.
18. Deed Poll or Change of Name Certificate of applicant and sponsor.
19. However I hope the term Human Resources will not be undergoing a consequent change of name.
20. This emphasis on its international business was officially recognised by a change of name to John Stork International.
21. So I allowed him the honour of endorsing my change of name.
22. By itself the light can only be compared to a solid, dense, rocklike , homogeneous and changeless mass of pure awareness, free from the mental patterns of name and shape.
23. Using the DDL shown in Listing 2, you can create a new table of name "employee", containing only two columns: id of type INTEGER and doc of type XML.
24. The Government's police inspectorate has backed down after protests from social media activists over its choice of name for a new website.
25. In example 2, the syntax calls the sequence diagram called Process Credit Card and passes it the parameters of name, number, expiration date, and amount.
26. Liquor must indicate the label: wine name, ingredients, alcohol degrees, net content, maker, a seller of name, the production date, shelf-life, the product standard number and quality level, etc.
27. All enterprises in Beijing shall apply names online, and go to BAIC to collect the notification of name pre-approval after getting approved.
28. Tweedy Browne's selections have sunk even well below that level in terms of name recognition.
29. A study a snapshot of the typical Briton in terms of name, spending and lifestyle.
30. In sum: There is an object called $name, it has an SDO type of Name, and it is assigned to a property of $author called name.
More similar words: law of naturebay of napleslaw of nationsa call of naturestate of naturecomity of nationsjesus of nazarethleague of nationsin a state of naturein the course of naturecommonwealth of nationsname parameterparameter namenamed parameternamenamesnamernamedenamelbynamenamelyname itrenamein namenew nameold nameby namename tagsurnamepet name
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