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Monitoring station in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-03-01Updated:2024-03-01
Similar words: monitoring functionmonitoring systemmonitoringcentralized monitoring systemmonitoring datatelemonitoringmonitoring deviceprocess monitoring
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1. It will be based on data collected from monitoring stations throughout the province.
2. The images can be viewed by a monitoring station with a standard personal computer and a VGA monitor.
3. Government monitoring stations measure levels of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides or low-level ozone but fail to publicise them widely.
4. The monitoring station is just across the river from the power plant.
5. According to the monitoring station , environmental conditions are good in Tibet.
6. In fact, the US embassy's independent air monitoring station is not in accordance with international
7. The rational level of monitoring station has a foundational role in monitoring agriculture information of China.
8. Such data include those from the Population and Agricultural Censuses as well as point data from rain gauge sites and radiation monitoring stations.
9. Translated Description : I Shelves, electric Shelves, intelligent Shelves monitoring station, TV wall.
10. This paper analyzed the existing problems and difficulties in standardization of county environmental monitoring station.
11. This test is the contrast and research on A and magnitude with simulant and digital materials of QiongZhong seismal Monitoring station and materials that State Bureau's digital networks feedbacks.
12. Being the key equipment in the supervisory system , monitoring station should be effectively controled and managed.
13. OCX will deliver new GPS mission planning, constellation management, ground antenna, monitoring station, and satellite command and control capabilities.
More similar words: monitoring functionmonitoring systemmonitoringcentralized monitoring systemmonitoring datatelemonitoringmonitoring deviceprocess monitoringmonitoring programperformance monitoringcontinuous monitoringmonitoring environmentenvironmental monitoringpolling stationfilling stationpumping stationgenerating stationtracking stationreceiving stationbroadcasting stationmonitorialautomatic monitoroperating statustelevision monitormonitor unitmonitormonitorytv monitoradmonitorypremonitory
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