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Mathematical computation in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-08-06Updated:2024-08-06
Similar words: computational mathematicsmathematical notationmathematical expectationnumerical computationmathematical operationmathematical relationmathematical relationshipmathematical induction
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(1) SHA-1 is a fairly typical mathematical computation.
(2) Then we establish the mathematical computation models of roll angle and pitching angle with the yaw angle ignored based on geomagnetism and ballistics theory.
(3) TipTally will dismiss you from tiresome mathematical computation and guarantee satisfaction both to you and your waiter.
(4) The CRC, or cyclic redundancy check, is a mathematical computation that is added to ensure that the frame is not corrupted.
(5) A checksum value(sentence dictionary), which is a simple mathematical computation used to verify that the packet arrived intact.
(6) Along with society's development, the time progress, the mathematical computation has appeared in social life various aspects more and more vital role.
(7) The resulting secure Mathematical Computation Protocol can then provide crypto-graphic authentications, data privacy and integrity.
(8) Developing arithmetic and model for graphic and image processing and mathematical computation.
(9) Evolutionary change seems a strongly bound process very similar to mathematical computation, or even to thinking.
(10) Since all the results derived in this paper are based upon recurrence formulas, it will be equally convenient for us to obtain a more precise approximation in mathematical computation, if desired.
More similar words: computational mathematicsmathematical notationmathematical expectationnumerical computationmathematical operationmathematical relationmathematical relationshipmathematical inductionmanual computationcomputational complexitymathematical expressionmathematicalmatrix computationmathematicallycomputational chemistrymathematical logicmathematical modelmathematical proofmathematical systemmathematical symbolmathematical modelsmathematical processmathematical softwaremathematical analysismathematical treatmentgrammatical constructioncomputationpure mathematicscomputationalcomputational linguistics
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