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Home > Main computer in a sentence

Main computer in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-12-01Updated:2024-12-01
Similar words: mainframe computercomputer trainingnavigation computerhuman-computer interactioncomputercomputer componentsdistributed computercompatible computer
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1. The main computers went down for 30 minutes.
2. All the data is then dumped into the main computer.
3. Equipped with main computer panel and manual control panel.
4. Main computer accessories, branded computers, computer assembly, computer software!
5. The whole system is made up of a main computer and many intelligent nodes. Each intelligent node takes on microcontroller AT89C51 as host processor and Neuron chip TMPN3120 as slave processor.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
6. The company's main computer hardware and software technology development, production, sale.
7. Motherboard is the main computer circuit inside the PC, which holds the processor, memory and expansion slots, and connects directly or indirectly to every part of the PC.
8. Meanwhile, share the CPAN source directory on your main computer, then change the keep_source_where parameter to point to this NFS-mounted directory.
9. Main computer tricks old and new trading and maintenance all original accessories complete.
10. Network connections can be tested by sending an echo back to the main computer.
11. These hackers broke down the code and entered the main computer of the bank.
More similar words: mainframe computercomputer trainingnavigation computerhuman-computer interactioncomputercomputer componentsdistributed computercompatible computercomputer runcomputerizesupercomputercomputer usercomputeriseterminal computercomputer terminalcomputer codecomputer filecomputer mouseminicomputercomputer timecomputer wordcomputer gamehost computercomputer gurucomputer papercomputer namecomputerisedhome computertarget computercomputerized
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