Similar words: cooker, cookery, rookery, unlooked-for, overlooked, pressure cooker, book of deuteronomy, joker. Meaning: n. someone who looks on.

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3 Lookers-on see more than players.
4 There is a looker-on who sits behind my eyes.
5 Title: China Banking: A Looker-on in the Market?
6 THERE is a looker-on who sits behind my eyes. It seems he has seen things in ages and worlds beyond memory's shore, and those forgotten sights glisten on the grass and shiver on the leaves.
7 We conduct as a looker-on , passing by and then forgetting. That's the answer.
8 In this theatre of man's life,[] it is reserved only for God and angels to be looker-on. -------F. Bacon.
9 Right! For example, often because I had done a plan, I was very excited. But she was a looker-on and corrected my plan, having her correction, the plan would be completed.
10 As the saying goes, lookers-on see more than players. Being a looker-on, I have more right to offer my opinion.
More similar words: cooker, cookery, rookery, unlooked-for, overlooked, pressure cooker, book of deuteronomy, joker, poker, broker, hooked, booked, cooked, look, crooked, looks, nonsmoker, uncooked, cherokee, brokerage, look to, look at, look up, outlook, look in, look out, lookup, look on, look for, lookout.