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Look through in a sentence

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Sentence count:66+1Posted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: break throughthroughgo throughget throughthroughoutall throughrun throughcut through
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(31) Look through the classified adverts and nearly every classic car you see has been totally restored.
(32) So you can listen to, and look through, the Aerius i at the same time.
(33) You may then have to look through reams of examples before you decide on the right person for the job.
(34) This time the rain woke him, hammering on the roof, and he got up to look through his window.
(35) He listened to the door downstairs close and slipped out of bed to look through the window.
(36) Robotic bureaucrats do not look through the Sunday shopping circulars to find the lowest prices.
(37) To look through the tube, which eye do you prefer, your left eye or your right eye?
(38) Then he would look through the new magazines, play a few records, do a little housecleaning.
(39) The sisters began to look through photograph album.
(40) It can look through the host file system.
(41) Look through the window, near the big blast furnace.
(42) He gave her one dear look through his redness and fled.
(43) I stole a look through the window at those mosquitoes that crept languidly on the glass.
(44) PLEASE look through the attached document before bidding for this job.
(45) Here's another example of file processing: look through a directory of MP3 files with a known naming structure and extract the album name.
(46) We sat side-by-side in the airport lounge,[] where we could look through the large windows at the baggage loading and refueling activity outside.
(47) Look through the viewfinder.
(48) If you look through the table or type Integer into the Filter field, you'll see that there aren't any templates that are registered to java.lang.Integer.
(49) For those used to look through the boasting and overly ceremonious texts of Chinese laws, there seems to be nothing to be excited about.
(50) International Cartoon Exhibition – Exploitation and workers' rights, a critical look through a humoristic Line!
(51) Is the Conarium " the Third Eye" Man Look Through Everything?
(52) Here is why it ordinarily is so strong. In mid-December, tax-conscious investors look through their portfolios for stocks they can sell at a loss, to offset gains on stocks they have sold at a profit.
(53) Look through the bylaw of property management, working flow and rules.
(54) Enumerable stars I mean when you look through a telescope , lets say the milky way , because the milky way was much more visible for him than for us today with all the street lighting that we get.
(55) Fog up a piece of glass with your breath and look through the fogged plate in a darkened room at a white-light point source.
(56) In order to fit all kinds of missions, variations are derived from the basic BLACK HAWK. Let's go and see through look through them.
(57) What you need to do is simply look through these two lists---the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty- free Quota list.
(58) If you look through this page you'll see many variants of the US insignia on the aircraft, depending on both the period of the war the aircraft was flying, and the theater of operations.
(59) That tells you whichever eye you'll look through, that mean you're left-eyed or right-eyed.
(60) It's a Super- Dee -Duper surprise when Barney and he children in the Astronomy Club look through their telescope and see someone staring right back at them!
More similar words: break throughthroughgo throughget throughthroughoutall throughrun throughcut throughcome throughfall throughput throughpass throughpull throughcarry throughfollow throughlook toroughlydroughtthoroughthoroughlylooklook forlook atlook outlook uplook inlook onthroatoverlooklook into
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