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Light-absorbing in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2024-08-03Updated:2024-08-03
Similar words: heat-absorbingabsorbingabsorbing materialabsorption of lightadsorbingabsorbabsorberreabsorb
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1. Non-reflective ink Light-absorbing ink used to print machine-readable characters.
2. and the use of light-absorbing particles with low thermal conductivity, such as agglomerates of carbon nanoparticles,and carbon coated glass micro-shells.
3. Thus, the compounds 1 and 2 can have greater use to serve as light-absorbing materials at a visible light band in photoelectric functional material.
4. Signatures from its atmosphere point to the presence of light-absorbing chemicals like vaporised sodium and potassium or titanium oxide.
5. First, melt reduces sea ice cover, replacing mostly light-reflecting sea ice with mostly light-absorbing seawater.
6. As the researchers demonstrated, the technique could enable the light-absorbing particles to be manipulated with a high degree of accuracy, even at large distances.
7. Conclusion The detecting platform is useful in screening and detecting the light-absorbing effect of skin pigmented diseases, which may become a helpful diagnostic tool for clinical laser therapy.
8. In dye- sensitized solar cells, photogenerated electrons from the light-absorbing dye are passed on to thin layers of semiconductor materials that transport the electrical charge.
9. The researchers studied a protein called vivid, which contains a chromophore -- a light-absorbing molecule.
More similar words: heat-absorbingabsorbingabsorbing materialabsorption of lightadsorbingabsorbabsorberreabsorbabsorbedabsorbentunabsorbedabsorbanceabsorbedlyabsorbableabsorbencynon-absorbentbe absorbed inself-absorbedabsorbabilityshock absorberabsorbed energyabsorbent cottonabsorbent materiallight airhigh tableright-aboutright-alignedlight adaptationflight attendanttable light
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