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Idiolect in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2018-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cannabidiolmolecular biologymolecular biologistcolectomyembolectomyelectrocardiogramelectrocardiographcholecystectomyMeaning: n. the language or speech of one individual at a particular period in life. 
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1 Is the word'psychosis'part of your idiolect?
2 Such a personal dialect is referred to as idiolect.
3 This paper deals with the relevance of idiolect to translation.
4 Idiolect, the uniqueness of an individuals use of language, is influenced, on the one hand, by the social factors associated with the user, and, on the other hand, by the users personal factors.
5 Such a personal dialect or variety is usually termed an idiolect.
More similar words: cannabidiolmolecular biologymolecular biologistcolectomyembolectomyelectrocardiogramelectrocardiographcholecystectomyelectrocardiographyidiotidiomidiocygladiolusestradiolaudiologyradiologyvioletidioticcardiologyradiolysisorioleradiolucentradiologistaudiologistidiot boxpresidiopetioleviolentradiologicalcardiologist
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