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Homemade in a sentence

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Sentence count:176+1Posted:2017-05-23Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: boughtenSimilar words: home-madebe made up ofmadecome homemade ofmade up ofready-madehomeMeaning: adj. made or produced in the home or by yourself. 
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61) Homemade Thanksgiving decorations are easy and fun to make.
62) Homemade muesli keeps for ages.
63) Try these cakes; they are homemade.
64) Learn how to julienne carrots for homemade Korean Takkogi with expert cooking tips in this free Korean cuisine video clip.
65) Hyssop is an oil useful to the regeneration of the skin and is a good addition to the bath, homemade lotions or body oils as a result.
66) 'My husband said there's a quite popular business model in the U.K. called a co-op, ' Ms. Mao said, 'so we figured, why not try and work with other homemade food businesses?'
67) If you're baking homemade pie, opt for whole wheat pie crusts and substitute low-fat or skim milk for evaporated milk, she said.
68) My family has a 10-pound slab hanging from a meat hook in its pantry, next to homemade sausage and jars of strawberry jam.
69) The works of these watches are all homemade and wear well.
70) Haldon donned a hooded cloak, and Tyrion shed his homemade motley for something drab and grey.
71) Kit contains all pasta salad fixings Dole Foods is marketing kits for consumers who want homemade vegetable pasta salads with all the ingredients in one place.
72) Michael crouches next to the toilet in his cell. He's managed to pull it out about a foot from the wall and he uses his homemade allen wrench to scrape out the concrete between the cinder blocks.
73) It's the perfect setting for a key scene in the homemade zombie movie they are shooting with a "Super 8" film camera.
74) She read to us every day and used homemade flash cards to teach us phonics.
75) Application status of a new homemade coating steel billet in high temperature dynamic process was introduced.
76) Egg products can be substituted in recipes typically made with raw eggs that won't be cooked (for example, Caesar salad, Hollandaise sauce, eggnog, homemade mayonnaise, ice cream[], and key lime pie).
77) Costumes were typically homemade often from sacks old clothes soot and shoe polish.
78) That place you work, do they have homemade lemon meringue pie there?
79) The performance of the homemade double metal cyanation complex ( DMC ) catalysts non - stirred tank reactor heat exchanger.
80) This homemade banner greeted the world's best player, Lionel Messi, as he strode onto the pitch for Saturday's Copa America quarterfinal between heavily favored Argentina and underdog Uruguay.
81) A thick tree near the bank had a crook just my size, and nestled within it I picnicked on radishes, spicy sausage, challah and the homemade wine from Nana.
82) On a recent afternoon, homemade orange sorbet and slices of tropical fruit lined the table.
83) Play-bills and snapshots, a withered boutonniere, old report cards that stung me with pride; a stack of homemade thank-you cards from the second-grade Spanish class Jeff volunteered to teach.
84) Some other foods that should be avoided until the recall is over include homemade items like Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, ice cream, custard,Hollandaise sauce and egg drop soup.
85) Oh yes, sir. It's the thought of my Aunt Lottie's homemade shortbread that keeps me going.
86) The beagle is a bargain too: The whole pup can be rented out for $92 per night for two people and includes a breakfast of homemade granola and pastries.
87) Prentice rangers use merchant arrows, expert rangers use custom ones , master rangers use homemade ones.
88) This article discusses the technology of oxygen ethine thermal spray which is used to restore big scale and heavy slip bearing with the new type homemade antiabrasion materials.
89) The hidden trouble of homemade EB's motorization, as well as the advantages of intelligent power supporting EB were discussed.
90) In fact, in New York City, there are dozens of diners that serve homemade borscht.
More similar words: home-madebe made up ofmadecome homemade ofmade up ofready-madehomehomelyat homeget homehomelandhometownhomelesshomesickhomeworkhomewardhomespunhomelikekhomeinihome rulehomebodyhomegrownromp homehomesteadhome fronthome officehome truthhomecomingdrive home
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