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Hn in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2018-08-17Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling. 
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(1) The hypogastric nerves (HN) partly closed to the ureter.
(2) HN prepares at conference room with DC.
(3) HN Power Group is a state-owned power construction companies.
(4) Antitumour mechanism of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) was discussed. And its development prospect was forecasted.
(5) Objective: To sequence the gene of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) from Plasmodium falciparum strain FCC-1/HN.
(6) HN is closely correlated with vitiligo and melanoma in antigens and immune response pattern.
(7) A heterotrophic nitrifier, named strain HN, was isolated from the greenhouse soil. The cells of isolates were Gram positive, rod or coccus.
(8) Previous HN item: A baby with a smiling, blinking second head.
(9) Objective: To investigate the role of HN in NDV antitumor.
(10) Following the development of computer and network tec hn ology , modern distance education is becoming the most advantageous complement and challenge to traditional education.
(11) Objective To clone, sequence, and express the aldolase(ALD)encoding gene of Plasmodium falciparum FCC1/HN strain.
(12) Objective To evaluate the clinical features and treatment methods of hypoglossal neurinomas(HN).
(13) HN is a common virus, Coxsackie virus[], other parts may cause respiratory tract infections.
(14) Conclusion: The HN 97 porcelain stain is smooth on the surface and firm in combination with body porcelain after firing.
(15) Objective: To study the HN 97 porcelain stain's superficial smooth property and its combination with body porcelain after firing.
(16) The unknown primary site was found in 72.7% (16/22) of patients with unknown primary HN cancer.
(17) PPV, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, diagnostic upstaging, and treatment management changes were determined from subset analysis of 123 previously untreated patients with HN cancer.
(18) He says that in this preclinical testing period, it is still too soon to know how HN would perform in humans, but he believes the naturally occurring peptide's ability to preserve cells is promising.
(19) Thinking of the provisions of the law, the negative impact to CS court of the case, our social relations and capacity of public relations(, HN province high court finally affirm the original judgment.
(20) Phylogenic tree from 29 strains were draw based on the NDV HN gene (part segment), and the result is similar to that of F gene.
(21) Therefore, the pathogenicity of APMV-1 in vivo could be determined by identification of characteristics of F and HN genes in vitro.
(22) Objective: To investigate the mechanism on cytotoxicity of human hepatoma cells SMMC7721 induced by NDV HN gene.
(23) Flow cytometry showed that ( 80.9±0.9 ) % of AMC - HN - 8 cells expressed 67 000 LN - R.
(24) How to raise the farmers' income is concerning the issue of social and economic development of HN province when we are building well-off society in all-round ways.
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