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Gaol in a sentence

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Sentence count:49Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clinkimmureimprisonincarceratejailjailhousejuglagpokeypokyput awayput behind barsremandslammerMeaning: [dʒeɪl]  n. a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence). v. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail. 
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1. The castle had been used as a gaol.
2. the crime, the longer the gaol sentence.
3. He could wind up in gaol.
4. Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge , terrified of recapture.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. He had been in gaol when that occurred.
6. He also risked being arrested and put in gaol.
7. Why he went to gaol, for instance.
8. He got five or seven years in gaol.
9. Alexander's new gaol remains the nucleus of Maidstone Prison today.
10. Later, when Wilde ended up in Reading Gaol, Miller organized a fund-raising campaign for him.
11. The gaol was situated not far from the centre of a large and fast-growing industrial town.
12. Recaptured, he soon found that the Nuremberg gaol was more than a match for him.
13. It has to be noted that gaol conditions are no longer newsworthy and the clamour for reform has largely faded.
14. The third storey of the town gaol was pierced by a doorway over which projected a beam.
15. In 1668 he found himself in gaol once again(, this time on a charge of disturbing the peace.
16. The whole company was arrested and held and then transferred to gaol in London, where Nayler was tried.
17. This explains why letters sent to Dorje Wangdu in gaol were returned unopened.
18. There were fifteen of them in the compartment, crammed and squashed for three hours since their loading from the Transit gaol.
19. For his pains the House of Commons put him in gaol.
20. They had brought Holly by car from the Lefortovo gaol to the train while Muscovites still slept.
21. Female speaker Read in studio Voice over A report has condemned the state of prisoners rooms at a low security gaol.
22. Whatever the outcome, he not unnaturally regarded his time in gaol as a stigma, as a stain on his character.
23. I can not want a man who wants to see me in gaol.
24. Coiner Varley who escaped sliding down a rubbish tip which the market traders had pushed up against the wall of the gaol.
25. By 1801, the House was providing all the clothing for the prisoners in Bedford gaol.
26. Proscribed as a member of illegal organizations, she served two gaol sentences in Mountjoy and Cork.
27. After some discussion, Paisley, Wylie, and Foster decided to refuse to pay their fines and to go to gaol.
28. The yeomanry arrived and carted forty-four rioters off to Oxford gaol.
29. As a leading suffragette, she endured the first of two spells in Holloway gaol in 1907.
30. Could any man believe he had the right to send another to his death simply because he had once been to gaol?
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