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Elmwood in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-06-03Updated:2024-06-03
Similar words: wormwoodwoodwoodswoodywoodedwoodensherwoodwoodsyMeaning: n. hard tough wood of an elm tree; used for e.g. implements and furniture. 
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1. Most programmes will come from the Elmwood Hall, but other venues will be used.
2. Langan Engineering, Elmwood Park, N. J. , Turner Construction, New York, and Buro Happold, New York, are also involved in the project.
3. Bella Star of Elmwood, Ill., had her nails painted red and wore a Hawaiian lei, pink bikini top and a grass skirt.
4. Elmwood has redesigned the packaging for children's soft drink Sunny D, to reflect the reformulated drink.
5. I hereby apply for admission to Elmwood College. I agree to pay the tuition of my course, never to discounting schooling without appropriate reasons.
6. Sealed Air is headquartered in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, the US.
6. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. Jonathan Sands, designer and founder of design business Elmwood agrees.
8. Elmwood 's redesign focuses on the fruit content and evokes images of Californian surf culture, suggesting a healthy, outdoor lifestyle.
9. The man came into the shop and ordered a pastry, according to Elmwood Park Police Chief Donald Ingrasselino.
10. Elmwood 's job was to communicate all their hard work on pack, in an engaging and believable way, " said Elmwood account director Sarah Wade."
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