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Earthbound in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2017-06-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: boundboundsaboundearthreboundbounderboundedunboundMeaning: adj. 1. confined to the earth 2. lacking wit or imagination. 
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1. The space shuttle remained earthbound because of a technical fault.
2. I too can not be earthbound.
3. Like them, too, in their less earthbound moments, he enjoyed the proud embracing of risk.
4. To bring the same advantages to earthbound drinkers, Daedalus is inventing a low-pressure pub.
5. As earthbound concrete replaced shimmering glass, so crude functionalism was to supplant soaring aspiration.
6. The earthbound made derogatory jokes about empty cans, and turned their backs on the brash, glittering necklace of the night.
7. He practised the art of earthbound realism.
8. The earthbound life required no grocery stores.
9. We think of Advent from the perspective of earthbound creatures who know nothing but this life.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. The earthbound larvae from which they develop are less pretty, but just as predatory.
11. "Avatar" created a new planetary experience and an earthbound experience in 3D.
12. Earthbound humans have 14.7 pounds per square inch of air pressing on them every second of the day. Space suits only put about 4.3 pounds of pressure per square inch on the wearer.
13. Beholders prefer inaccessible locations that earthbound foes can reach only with difficulty.
14. To me this is the crux of earthbound magic, and in the US no train conjures it better than the Coast Starlight.
15. To earthbound astronomy enthusiasts, Saturn was the serenely beautiful and mysterious counterpart to the overtly violent Jupiter, floating in a distant, frigid realm.
16. Neither was a spiritualist, but both connected contemporary ideas of earthbound survival with the ancient superstition of eternal youth.
17. This gave greater depth to most of the patterns,( but often made the dancers appear earthbound.
18. The Hubble space telescope takes clearer pictures of stars than earthbound telescopes.
19. With Gibbons, he wrote, oak had given way to limewood and earthbound solidity to feats of impossible lightness.
20. The Blackbird, introduced in 1964 and retired in 1990, was the antithesis of a lumbering, earthbound oxcart.
21. It grabs her by the ankles and keeps her earthbound.
22. Now the astronauts themselves have bridged the gap between their vision and our earthbound experience.
23. Who can impress the forest, bid the tree Unfix his earthbound root?
24. Newton took the principles of motion and of gravitation as deduced from observations of earthbound objects and extended them to the motions of the earth and of the planets around the sun.
25. Yet scientists hope to bring the power that emblazons the sun, fusion, to earthbound reactors.
26. The question is whether the country's investors will be content with more earthbound returns from global markets.
27. It gave off a foreboding aura too untethered and floating and yet it couldn't have been more earthbound—and massive.
28. The problem: Whisper-thin traces of air gradually put the brakes on objects in low Earth orbit and create earthbound showers of hot metal bits.
29. Of course, the Lagoon Nebula is a popular target for earthbound skygazers, too.
30. It was joyful, like watching dolphins in the air, and they surely pitied the earthbound.
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