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Display unit in a sentence

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Sentence count:40Posted:2024-01-10Updated:2024-01-10
Similar words: visual display unitdelay unitdisplayplasma displayon displaymap displayCRT displaydisplay mode
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1. There are integrated visual display units attached. 3.
2. Specialised lighting, racking systems and display units have all been installed.
3. A range of multi-tiered refrigerated display units has been launched by Grundy Oliver Toms.
4. In addition, card readers and display units can be located at various point-of-sale positions such as bars and restaurants.
5. Convenient readout in the information display unit.
6. A display unit on computer console that is used for communications between the operator and computer.
7. Electromagnetic leakage of video display unit becomes the focus of wide interest recently.
8. The invention provides a visual display unit which is used for backlit and depreciation of lamp of electricity saving and prevents flicker of the display image properly when revising the image.
9. Type ST31 digital display unit with circular inductosyn is a new instrument developes according to a new design idea by using PWM version and programmable logic array GAL devices.
10. Graphics display terminal: A VDU(visual display unit)capable of displaying pictures in line or tone in addition to text.
11. The so - called visual display unit is in fact a cathode ray tube.
11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
12. Enough information of user interface display unit could be got from the customized pattern primitives to implement the user interface pattern modeling and guide the code generation process.
13. On video display unit, the process of beam and thus its position on a display surface.
14. VDU? Visual Display Unit?
15. VDU? Video Display Unit?
16. The contents of any message stored in the teleprinter's memory can be viewed on the visual display unit. 8.
17. It stood noticeably prominent amongst a room full of competitors' display units in all shapes and sizes.
18. Once there it may appear on editor's data bank visual display unit as a single-line headline.
19. They guide the driver through towns using a dash top display unit and an electronic voice.
20. An image - reconstruction system is presented here using electromagnetic leakage from video display unit.
21. The control device comprises a suction inlet, an outlet, vanes and others: an operational unit, a vanes driving unit, a position detecting unit(, a control unit and a display unit.
22. The apparatus at least comprises: a brain wave sensing detection starting unit, a graphic display unit, a brain wave intensity display unit, and a brain wave detection unit.
23. The user-controllable channel selector is coupled to a respective user display unit and to a respective user receiver unit.
24. To rapidly scan information on the screen of a visual display unit by vertical scrolling.
25. The DSP is the video processing core unit; And the video capture unit, the video pre-processing unit, the video display unit are implemented in the FPGA.
26. A measure is put forward to ensure the information security of CRT visual display unit.
27. Light pen Light - sensitive stylus used to edit on a VDU ( visual display unit ) .
28. The secondary-instrument is actually a micro-controller system, which consists of a single-chip micro-controller cored measure-controlling unit, display unit, printing unit and alarming unit.
29. It is a key device in the interactive computer graphic process system. Recently, we have developed a graphic display unit controlled by microcomputer.
30. The software package features visual computing integration, i. e. , it incorporates the visual display unit with image computation function.
More similar words: visual display unitdelay unitdisplayplasma displayon displaymap displayCRT displaydisplay modedata displaydisplayabledisplay typedisplay casedisplay imagetable displaydisplay modesvideo displaypanel displaydisplay spaceclear displaycolour displaydisplay paneldisplay boardstatus displaydisplay devicewindow displaydisplay screendisplay windowdisplay systemvisual displaydisplay control
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