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Dicey in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2017-05-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: priceyin the public eyediceindicesjaundicecowardicejaundicedprejudiceMeaning: ['daɪsɪ]  adj. of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk. 
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1. The company's finances look a bit dicey.
2. The fog made driving a bit dicey.
3. The future looks pretty dicey for small businesses.
4. There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.
5. Making films about sports stars is always dicey business.
6. Parenting today is such a dicey proposition.
7. The dicey part of my trip was still ahead.
8. It's a dicey business though.
9. Through this conservative normativist theory Dicey attempted to stem the tide of government growth in a collectivist direction.
10. Dicey presents conventions as a means of harmonising legal and political sovereignty[], which remain conceptually distinct.
11. There is more dicey woodwind intonation in the Eroica, and the oboe tone in the Funeral March curdles alarmingly.
12. Dicey is important precisely because he expressed both the form and substance of normativism in a clear and simple manner.
13. While Dicey played a major role in shaping this tradition, his particular views are not to be equated with it.
14. Taking the mountain road is always a bit dicey at this time of year.
15. Through such thought and writing the spirit of Dicey was fashioned into orthodoxy in public law.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. What specific meanings Dicey himself intended when writing the Law of the Constitution matters little.
17. Dicey viewed the intrinsic connection between law and morality as a vital part of the rule of law.
18. It's too dicey to base this policy on what might happen in the coming year.
19. Hitchhiking's a bit dicey in this area.
20. The weather is getting dicey.
21. It $ s looking a bit dicey boys . Look lively.
22. Just when everyone else was looking to ways to pull back from the dicey credit card business, Banc One Corp.
23. It is just the sort of Continental charter that was despised by Dicey.
24. The herd moves into a market, driving up asset prices to absurd levels, then leaves when things look dicey.
25. Today is a cloud day. When am looking out the window, the day will getting dicey.
26. He's terribly smart, good-natured, and pleasant, but he simply has no clue of how to make a living aside from sales of somewhat dicey goods online, so now he just hangs out.
More similar words: priceyin the public eyediceindicesjaundicecowardicejaundicedprejudiceprejudicedunprejudicedceyloninvoice pricepolice officerDICTdickfdicmedicedictnordicdickerhasidicindictacidicmedicoaddictdictumhandicapdictioncodicilverdict
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