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Cornered in a sentence

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Sentence count:96+4Posted:2017-11-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cornerscornercornerstonecut cornersturn the cornerround the cornercorner the markettop right cornerMeaning: ['kɔːnəd]  adj. forced to turn and face attackers. 
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31. Most are the product of one extended family-the Jennings-that has cornered the market on Saturday Night Specials.
32. Hill cornered her at a party just before she left Washington.
33. He cornered so fast that his brakes screamed in protest and they almost went into an uncontrollable skid.
34. As the inquest broke for lunch one relative cornered him in the street.
35. The black boys get him cornered in the hall with flashlights.
36. The building oozed a melancholy yet defiant air, cornered by an unforgiving landscape with which it refused to make any compromises.
37. Miguel glared back like a cornered rat, lifting himself up with the stick.
38. An actress cornered her with snippets of information about herself which she hoped Rain would publish.
39. Or the rabbits sit tight underground as they become cornered by the ferrets.
40. We lose our temper, feel cornered and frightened, it can be the work of an instant.
41. He saw that in the long rear seat he had cornered some one.
42. It may cringe away, or if cornered might bare its teeth unexpectedly.
43. In the chasse, messieurs, mesdames, the beast is at its most dangerous when it is cornered.
44. The flak was heavy, relentless as hounds chasing a cornered stag up and down high ground.
45. Except when wounded or cornered, leopards will not often attack a human.
46. With his yellow teeth bared,[] he looked like a cornered man about to break and run.
47. The next day they went into battle with the desperate courage of brave men cornered.
48. The boys cornered him on a subway platform and began beating him.
49. We were fortunate, however, to have found a niche that no one else cornered.
50. The girls who had been in since the start of the war had cornered the market in stripes.
51. There are other variations but they all end up with black's king being cornered on h8 or h7.
52. The forest had cornered its greatest enemy, and would show no mercy.
53. His eyelashes flickered into life as he looked up again a shy, delicate glance, like a cornered deer.
54. In the subway I got cornered by the inevitable drunkard wanting to give me some advice.
55. He was cornered outside the school by three apparent gang members wearing red, the emblem of the Nortenos.
56. They avoid trouble at all times and only if they are cornered or pestered will they bite at their attackers.
57. You've won so many cups, shields and tankards, you've cornered the silver market.
58. So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour.
59. Share prices, often controlled, cornered or otherwise stage-managed by Wall Street pools, were subject to spectacular rises and plunges.
60. Think you've bloody cornered the market in love, don't you?
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