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Coax in a sentence

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Sentence count:86+2Posted:2016-11-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: influencepersuadepressurepushurgeSimilar words: hoaxcoalcoachcoastcoarsecoastalcoalitioncoagulateMeaning: [kəʊks]  n. a transmission line for high-frequency signals. v. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. 
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31. While hybrid fiber / coax networks are becoming the preferred architecture, this is not a universal choice.
32. We had a go at trying to coax the cat indoors using scraps of food.
33. This is the perfect transceiver for thin coax environments.
34. You may have to coax her with little gifts.
35. How can you coax a microbe to communicate?
36. Nina used to coax Antonia to tell her stories.
37. HFC ( Hybrid Fiber Coax ) provides a kind of broadband access way for multimedia and broadband services.
38. Let me happy accompany me laugh, I forget the sorrow coax behaved.
39. In truth, it could take several more years before scientists and engineers on the project can coax a power-producing plasma from ITER.
40. If you can't coax her , bring her by force.
41. Once when coax was replaced with twisted pair a second time when gigabit Ethernet came in.
42. To ensure proper shielding, choose a switch card with shielded connectors, such as coax or triax connectors.
43. Risley says desperate times may have helped coax North Korea away from its usual reclusiveness.
44. It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.
45. The pastor at St. Vincent's Cathedral stands in the belfry , tries to coax the birds into the arched window.
46. Old newspapers transfiguration storage basket, Well in Well Lane coax!
47. I tried to again coax myself to sleep with reason.
48. He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin.
49. The emperor wrinkle up eyebrows, but still quietly coax cloud: "and the emperor son good, the tree."
49. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
50. Clomifene and HMG coax the body into producing more eggs, while HCG triggers their release.
51. My co-worker Maggie Ruggiero also understands the pine-berries' haunting coax: She braised beef short ribs in juniper-laden red wine to surprisingly sophisticated effect.
52. Ashley Cole - Spends whole time trying to coax apoplectic Cheryl down from the nearest tree.
53. How do we coax our memories out into the open?
54. Triboelectric currents are generated by charges created by friction between a conductor and an insulator, such as between the conductor and the insulation of a coax cable.
55. And both coax and category 3 UTP can handle the additional bandwidth.
56. HFC ( Hybrid Fiber Coax ) access network is attached great importance because of its tremendous bandwidth and relative economy.
57. Also, shielded cabling, such as coax or triax, should be used to make connections from the high impedance devices or signal sources to the switch card.
58. Too often, a myriad of problems arise the first time a project has to coax its way into system testing, and then into user acceptance testing, and then fumble its way into production.
59. An insurance salesman might try to coax you into whole life insurance or universal life insurance; don't let them!
60. It is reported, the hacker is in after obtaining a password to enter account, send mail to user good friend then again, they click coax to be linked phonily , enter blame safety net to stand.
More similar words: hoaxcoalcoachcoastcoarsecoastalcoalitioncoagulate
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