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Citrus in a sentence

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Sentence count:223+3Posted:2017-05-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: citrus fruitantitrustantitrust lawSherman antitrust actcitronrecalcitranttrustrecalcitranceMeaning: ['sɪtrəs]  n. 1. any of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp; grown in warm regions 2. any of numerous tropical usually thorny evergreen trees of the genus Citrus having leathery evergreen leaves and widely cultivated for their juicy edible fruits having leathery aromatic rinds. 
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121. Fragrant aromas of acacia flowers, roasted nuts and buttered citrus are neatly balanced with underlying hints of bees wax, minerals.
122. Limonin and Naringin are the main bitters in citrus juice. They can decrease the quality of citrus juice.
123. Limiting flux during the ultrafiltration of citrus pectin was investigated.
124. Throughout the ages people have considered citrus fruit to symbolized love, happiness, holiness and fruitfulness.
125. Tropical fruits hit early, leading the way to a soft and luscious mid palate. This follows with a cleansing limey and citrus finish that makes for a superbly balanced wine.
126. The chromosomes in root tip cells of Trifoliate orange(Poncirus trifoliata Raf. )and Ichang papeda(Citrus ichangensis Swingle)were observed by enzymic maceration technique.
127. Palate: Light-bodied, fresh and zesty. This wine displays lovely herbaceous and citrus flavours - a perfect blend of savoury and fruit characteristics on the palate.
128. Bright straw colour and refreshing aromas of pineapple , citrus and oaks, vanilla hints. Deliciously versatile.
129. Two of Florida's major products are the fruits of Citrus sinensis trees and football.
130. China is one of the centre of origin, inheritance and variation of Citrus. The germplasm resources of pummelo( Citrus grandis Osbeck) contains abundant variations.
131. Apples, known as fresh fruits in world fruit market, have much lower processing ratio than grapes, citrus, pineapple.
132. Citrus bioflavonoids have been shown to improve capillary function by reducing fragility of capillary walls and improving capillary permeability.
133. In this experiment several pigments and hesperidin were extracted from citrus peels, then hesperetin was obtained from hesperidin through acidic hydrolysis.
134. This superb, lightly oaked Chardonnay offers aromas of fresh citrus fruit. The tropical fruit flavours are complimented by a subtle creaminess and lead into a luxurious, lingering finish.
135. Owari satsuma mandarin orange (Citrus Reticulata 'Owari') (Image 3) has a very sweet fruit, great for cooking.
136. The control effect of copper oxychloride on citrus canker was studied.
137. Objective To investigate the effects of citrus reticulata bianco extract on the proliferation and collagen metabolism of fibroblasts from human hypertrophic scar.
138. The undeveloped ovules in mature fruits of Bingtangcheng(Citrus sinensis) were cultured on five different media to induce embryogenic calli.
139. And the wine contains rich citrus junos, bananas, pears, pineapple and thyme flavor.
140. A method for rapid simultaneous determination of imazalil, thiabendazole and pyrimethanil residues in citrus fruits by using gas chromatography was developed.
141. This clears the way for Australian acceptance of U. S. citrus grown closer to the site of a Medfly outbreak than previously permitted.
142. Warm citrus notes combine with hints of peppermint, alyssum and frangipani to create a wonderfully exhilarant scent.
143. Make a batch of fresh lemonade or limeade. A daily dose of citrus fruits may cut the risk of mouth, throat, and stomach cancers by half, Australian researchers found.
144. After the gold came citrus, oil, property, lettuce ("green gold"), aircraft and, most recently, Silicon Valley.
145. The alive body and away body enzyme coped with liquid of the brown citrus aphid(Homoptera: Aphididae) using Daphnelantoxin B with toxic active component.
146. Tasting Note : Brilliant straw yellow with green tint. Full of aroma likes pear,( grapefruit and citrus.
147. EDENVALE Sparkling Cuvee displays a subtle yet fragrant aroma of ripe apples and subdued tropical fruits with zesty citrus overtones.
148. Objective To develop a quality standard of Citrus limon oils.
149. They had mostly powerful natural control ability to injurious mites in mango tree but less capable in citrus tree.
150. A spiny, Asian tree ( Citrus limon ) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg - shaped fruit.
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