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Bad in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+60Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: evilunfavorablewrongAntonym: goodSimilar words: badlya bad eggMeaning: [bæd]  n. that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency. adj. 1. having undesirable or negative qualities 2. very intense 3. feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad') 4. (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition 5. feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone 6. not capable of being collected 7. below average in quality or performance 8. nonstandard 9. not financially safe or secure 10. physically unsound or diseased 11. capable of harming 12. characterized by wickedness or immorality 13. reproduced fraudulently 14. not working properly. adv. 1. with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly') 2. very much; strongly. 
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121. Too much candy is bad for your teeth.
122. a bad workman quarrels with his tools.
123. The boy was led astray by bad companions.
124. I've been diddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad!
125. I've lost my wallet. --That's too bad.
126. Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin.
127. The food was bad and the service was dreadful.
128. He's in a bad mood today.
129. I'm in a bad mood today.
130. He's off work with a bad back.
131. All round it's not a bad car.
132. I feel really bad about it.
133. His affairs are in bad shape.
134. People tend to confuse bad decisions with bad luck.
135. Don't encourage bad habits in a child.
136. Too much sweet food is bad for your teeth.
137. The bad weather has seriously disrupted supplies of food.
138. He's extremely competitive and a bad loser.
139. I am bad at English[],( but She is worse.
140. She had her own company by 25-not bad going!
141. He had the bad luck to break his leg.
142. Life isn't all fun; it has its bad moments.
143. The crowd pelted bad eggs at the speaker.
144. Mary has a bad cold and sore throat.
145. 'Not bad,' she conceded grudgingly.
146. Bad housing, debt and poverty are interconnected.
147. The rain isn't too bad - it's only drizzling.
148. Don't feel so bad about yourself.
149. Bad luck often brings good luck.
150. It's a bad lookout for the company if interest rates don't come down.
More similar words: badlya bad egg
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