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Aloud in a sentence

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Sentence count:168+9Posted:2016-10-03Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: quietlysilentlySimilar words: cloudloudlydeal outall outflouralonealonggo all outMeaning: [ə'laʊd]  adv. 1. using the voice; not silently 2. with relatively high volume. 
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121. I asked aloud, "How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?"
122. After a while, you listen to yourself think aloud so you don't have to listen to the soliloquy next to you.
123. And Martin has the curiosity of a child, constantly wondering aloud whether he can create new, interesting sculptures, such as an entire, usable bedroom set he made out of old books.
124. It is very essential to read aloud in study English.
125. F2:(think aloud)The little friends of KAIFEN are so excellent, I'm going to talk about this to my child after back home.
126. At cxpartners we run both eye tracking and think aloud user testing.
127. Usually most of the children and the old people like to think aloud.
128. Said by: Joan Crawford to her housekeeper who began to pray aloud.
129. Reading aloud is also an important way to help your child make the transition from babyhood to toddlerhood.
130. The teacher came down on his students to read aloud their English in the morning.
131. He was still unsatisfied mocking him, therefore he invited the critic to his house and read him the libretto aloud in front of his friends.
132. Only Ingram had the seniority, and knew Celia well enough, to laugh aloud.
133. A friend is a person with whom I may think aloud.
134. Standard usability test in which the icons were shown to users as part of the full user interface and where the users were asked to "think aloud" as they used the system to perform set tasks.
135. I laughed aloud as the yolks of their eyeballs rolled toward us in haughty rivalry.
136. She calls a phone service that reads newspapers aloud in a synthetic voice, and she listens to The Wall Street Journal at 300 words a minute(, which is nearly twice the average pace of speech.
137. Objective To observe the abnormalities of speech production when developmental stutterers reading four-character Chinese words aloud and to discuss its etiology mechanisms.
138. Car attendant cries aloud: " Your go to the toilet should take microphone, she, dehisce comes. "
139. A week later, the baby will be ritually bathed in a cedar tub by a courtier while auspicious texts, written in classic Chinese literary style and wishing it good health and fortune, are read aloud.
140. The five-member band, put together by pop impresario Louis Walsh, who also assembled Girls Aloud and Westlife, was most popular in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Britain.
141. Think aloud is great for deeper investigations with fewer participants and longer tests, going through a large site or a booking/payment process.
142. But he laughed a mighty laugh, and he swore aloud by Thor.
143. A man might jut out his chin, try to make his chest appear as large as possible, unconsciously flex an arm, laugh aloud, and smile.
144. Talk - aloud modeling involves verbalizing the thought process or problem solving strategy while demonstrating the task.
145. A concerned crowd eventually forced Stuyvesant to piece the letter back together and read it aloud.
146. Step Three : Listen again ,[sentence dictionary] then read aloud. And let two students read.
147. A friend is one before whom I may think aloud.
148. Can read the sender's name or the entire incoming message aloud when it comes.
149. A day, his neighbour will ask him to read aloud a letter.
150. An executive who uses his blog to think aloud about his company's business strategy or where its products "might" go won't inspire confidence among customers or shareholders.
More similar words: cloudloudlydeal outall outflouralonealonggo all outpull outroll outsell outfill outfeel outa lot oflet aloneflourishsmell outcatalogall alongat a lossa load ofget alongcredulousnebulouslibelousdialoguealong withalongsideleave alonemalodorous
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