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All-night in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2018-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: all night longfrom morning till nightwell nighwell-nighnightknightnightynightsMeaning: adj. lasting, open, or operating through the whole night. 
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1, We'd had an all-night party, and the place looked a bit of a sight.
2, The committee ruled against all-night opening mainly on safety grounds.
3, Rescuers were engaged in a frantic all-night effort to reach the survivors before their supply of air ran out.
4, Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit vigil outside the cathedral.
5, I went to sleep at an all-night cinema once.
6, Instead, patronize brightly lit all-night delicatessens.
7, Through the all-night watches he engaged officers in conversation, asked them questions about world affairs.
8, Everyone troops back to the house for the all-night party.
9, All-night jam sessions were common in Kansas City jazz clubs of the 1930s.
10, The 91 Owl all-night route also is equipped with bike racks.
11, We as organisers of all-night dancing parties would welcome the reasonable regulation of parties.
12, She organized an all-night telephone counselling service for students in despair about their grades or love-lives.
13, He said the cancellation of the all-night concert damaged his reputation and would cost him future business.
14, Distraught parents kept an all-night vigil at the university where a temporary morgue was set up.
15, By many all-night vigils , passions he tamed.
16, They always have all-night dos there.
17, Anyone who cruises the internet or all-night talk radio knows why.
18, all-night parties with music and dancing have become a way of life for a large section of young people.
19, It is cherry-blossom season, a time of all-night sake-drinking parties under the sakura.
20, During an all-night festival in Paris, five young people, apparently drunk, broke into the Orsay Museum and left a 4-inch gash in a priceless painting by Claude Monet.
21, I was bombarded with tales of cracked nipples, all-night vigils and vomit on the carpet.
22, Thanks to some all-night efforts,[] we now have a code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel.
23, The all-night costume balls, boozy dinners and back-room business deals are things of legend in this city once known as the Paris of the Orient.
24, The four pharmaceutical best-sellers are witness to the poor folk who have nothing better to do than watch all-night television.
25, Two people died and at least 19 were injured, and the government imposed an all-night curfew.
26, The flesh was then cooked with beans and corn and eaten in a type of soup—part of an all-night village ritual, complete with singing and dancing, according to missionaries' reports.
27, In 2006, China banned tourists from taking part in all-night rave parties outside Beijing, which saw revellers dancing, urinating, taking drugs and having sexual intercourse on the wall.
28, The Swiss-built Solar Impulse airplane is about to enter the darkness today, already several hours into what is slated to become its first all-night flight.
29, About 20,000 people crowded the prehistoric site on Salisbury Plain, southern England, to see the sunrise following an annual all-night party.
30, The subjects were randomly assigned to receive sildenafil or a placebo ("sugar pill") before they participated in an all-night sleep study, which included at least 7 hours of recording time).
More similar words: all night longfrom morning till nightwell nighwell-nighnightknightnightynightsat nightnightlybenightby nighttonightnight owlnightcapnightmaremidnightnightfallnight skynightgownknightlyfortnightnightshadein the nightnightlifeovernightnighthawklast nightnight lifegood night
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