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Pomerania in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2024-06-12Updated:2024-06-12
Similar words: pomeranianhome rangeboomerangagglomeranthypomaniapomegranatecraniapomegranate tree
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1, In Pomerania this reaction took the form of an even tighter grip on the feudal peasantry and serfs of the great estates.
2, A Pomeranian is a dog breed which originates from the Pomerania region, and are covering the north west of Poland and north east of Germany.
3, Already in August 1709 the Khan offered Charles a Tatar escort of up to 40 thousand horsemen which would accompany him from Turkey via Poland to Swedish Pomerania.
4, Three days earlier Angela Merkel's coalition government got a drubbing in state elections in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.
5, The Left Party could displace the CDU as the Social Democrats' governing partner in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.
6, This is in a state that barely extends beyond Brandenburg and Pomerania in what now is Western Poland, and still Prussia in the unified Germany.
7, ANGELA MERKEL, the German chancellor, owes her seat in the Bundestag to voters in her constituency in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.
8, This region includes the east coast of Schleswig-Holstein and the north coast of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.
More similar words: pomeranianhome rangeboomerangagglomeranthypomaniapomegranatecraniapomegranate treeiraniancranialukranianOncomelaniahemicraniapostcranialbasicranialextracranialcranial nerveintracranialcranial cavitycleidocranialisomeraserandom errortelomerasegeraniolgeraniumagglomeratelutheranismagglomeratedconglomerateintracranial aneurysm
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