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PAM in a sentence

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Sentence count:103+1Posted:2017-09-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: spampamperpamphletspammerdopaminepamperingSpammingpamphleteer
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61. The results show that different from that of pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), the cross-correlation function of PPM cannot be directly used to acquire timing due to the nonlinearity of PPM.
62. To record the transfer of Pam Lee's equity interest to the incoming partner, Paul Trent.
63. Separating polyacrylamide ( PAM ) and acrylamide ( AM ) by Soxhlet and convenient on operating.
64. Melphalan ( L - PAM ) is approved by FDA for marketing.
65. The change of chlorophyll fluorescence in flag leaves of indica rice was analysed under light and temperature stress and during recovery by PAM pulse modulation fluoremeter.
66. PANT doped with H 4 SiW 12 O 40 was obtained in the PAM aqueous solution and glycol solution, respectively.
67. Finally, it is proved that under broadband noise the PSR system could transmit quaternary baseband PAM signal effectively.
68. The reaction of aminomethylation of partially hydrolyzed PAM was analysed.
69. Dr Pam Spurr says: "Never point the finger at your partner for having a higher or lower sex drive or wanting sex at a time you don't.
70. Compared with PAM (Pole Amplitude Modulation) theory, the minimum symmetric group theory is more effective in implementation of AC machine pole-changing winding's non-regular arrangements.
71. By imaging - PAM , Photosynthetic performance of Pteris vittata was studied under Arsenic As stress.
71. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
72. PAM is a new and high efficient agent for improving the soil structure. It can control surface crusting of eligible soil and increase infiltration.
73. In this paper, a block monomer consisting fatty alcohol polyether and acrylate has been synthesized. This monomer co polymerized with acrylamide, then a copolymer PEPO PAM was obtained.
74. Pulse position amplitude modulation (PPAM) is a new modulation scheme that combines pulse position modulation (PPM) and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) together.
75. Add the entries, as shown in Listing 7 below, in the /etc/pam.conf file to enable Kerberos authentication for SSH, Telnet, and rlogin commands.
76. The preparation human proinsulin C-peptide of analogue using of PAM resin was also reported.
77. Pam once complained to me that his lordship was slave driver, a snob, and a bore.
78. Symbol synchronization in binary baseband PAM communication system is discussed in this paper.
79. By putting magnetic particles, PFC and PAM into turbid water made up by kaoline to carry on magnetic flocculating, optimum parameters and mechanism of forming magnetic composite flocs were studied.
80. Henry said through the car window, " Goodbye, Pam . Happy landings. "
81. Pam: You know you can buy stamps online too, and your letter carrier will deliver them!
82. Somewhere in between those 1000 watches came a little less than 400 OP 6501 42 millimeter PAM 006, 007 and 008 Mare Nostrum chronograph watches.
83. The PAM module sets the context by writing the context into the file /proc/$$/attr/exec(, then executing a shell that is a valid entry type to the new domain.
84. Edit the /etc/pam.conf file to make Telnet, SSH, and rlogin use Kerberos as the authentication module.
85. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is one form of the ways, in which it is widely used in the system of communication and control.
86. Pam:You go on this website and play a word game. If you answer a question right, the website will give free rice to poor people.
87. Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace, head of Barnes Flying Squad, said: "I think this is the biggest reward that has ever been offered for a crime of this type."
88. Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace, of the Metropolitan police flying squad, said: "This was a well planned robbery with a number of vehicles used to help the robbers escape.
89. The polyacrylamide ( PAM ) with low molecular weight was prepared by aqueous solution polymerization.
90. To decrease the number of clock phases, the idea using adaptive interpolation is proposed for Gigabit Ethernet with pulse amplitude modulation (PAM).
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