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Neil in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+7Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: neil armstrongceilweilveilsheilaabseilveiledunveil
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61. Neil finished his meal, and then motioned to the waitress.
62. Neil Kinnock has remained loyal to the lovely Glenys since their far-off student days.
63. The visit lasted over an hour during which time Neil Kinnock experienced at first hand what carpet manufacturing was all about.
64. Lancashire will make a late fitness check on Orrell hooker Neil Hitchen, who is recovering from a neck injury.
65. I could also imagine the gentle but resolute Amsale recognizing a kindred spirit in Neil Brown.
66. Look, Neil, you'd better get along to the blue drawing room.
67. And Felton's miscue off Neil Smith offered them a glimmer of hope.
68. Neil was a gentle good-natured chap,[] the type of man you instantly trust and feel comfortable around.
69. Lyle's reaction was to take the money, but he called in Neil Shaw to conduct final negotiations.
70. Four minutes later Mervyn grabbed his second when he met a cross from his brother, Neil, at the far post.
71. The police officer made Neil get out of the car and demanded to see his driver's licence.
72. It was a very small company - only 23 employees - and my brother Neil was already working there.
73. But Neil Fraser couldn't reach out and touch his wife.
74. For Neil Kinnock, a dish of leeks baked in Caerphilly sauce - easy to eat and comforting whatever the outcome.
75. Neil Kinnock has been sent three Tyler missives and responded(, albeit in plain prose.
76. But whereas Errol struck it lucky, spare a thought for Instonian Neil Cooke.
77. Pittsburgh suffered a severe blow, however, when quarterback Neil O'Donnell broke his right leg.
78. When Neil refused they punched him in the face and dragged him to shops two miles away.
79. Neil Thompson's excellent winning goal atoned for a missed penalty by John Wark.
80. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself telling Neil exactly what I thought of his stupid plan.
81. Neil Young, whose eccentric recording diversions have made him a marketing nightmare, is a close second, though.
82. Ever so subtly, still chatting navigation with me, Neil accommodates, reeling Rachel in at just the right time.
83. He is more popular than either Margaret Thatcher or Neil Kinnock.
84. Neil put the certificate in a drawer so he wouldn't lose it.
85. Smith and Hannaford teaming up again with fly half, Neil Matthews diving in.
86. He even developed a nice line in badinage with the unusually genial Labour leader, Mr Neil Kinnock.
87. It was far from incontrovertible evidence of what Gloria had suggested and Neil had confirmed.
88. Somehow the real Neil, an authentic voice, emerges from all those nerve cells.
89. Either McBride or Neil Back, who are out-and-out flyers, would have provided that option.
90. Spokesman Neil Midgeley said quality improvement measures have boosted his company's performance enormously.
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