Similar words: midst, aid, aide, be afraid to. Meaning: [eɪdz] n. a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles.
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151. Even its main aim is uncertain, as it is increasingly being spoken of as an Aids fund.
152. Maybe Freddie put millions into AIDS charities, and it's great if he did.
153. In addition. AIDS victims often develop a rare type of cancer, known as Kaposi's sarcoma.
154. The general concept of work is also shifting from man-machine interaction to man-man interaction with machines as aids. 10.
155. Social workers must first diagnose the problems and then help with such practical aids as they have at their immediate disposal.
156. It was a hint that AIDS is more than one disease.
157. But they needed other aids, for their teeth and nails could not readily dismember anything larger than a rabbit.
158. Full use should be made of visual aids and internal specialist advice should be taken.
159. Patients eventually develop a resistance to AIDS drugs, so doctors are obliged to rotate the type of medication.
160. I therefore enclose a copy of the text of the HIV/AIDS Readyguide with some minor amendments marked.
161. The help of an occupational therapist may be needed to recommend aids and adaptations to help the older person.
162. Recent topics include career guidance, parenthood and the AIDS epidemic.
163. And he has boosted federal spending to combat the AIDS epidemic.
164. She's an organizer of the International Conference on AIDS that the university has every year.
165. The hearing continues today. Mobile clinic cuts toll of Aids.
166. The couple have been two of the multi-millionaire showman's biggest supporters in his campaign to help AIDS charities.
167. This room was equipped with an induction loop to transmit sound to people with suitably receptive hearing aids.
168. They also find that it aids their recruitment by attracting highly skilled applicants trained on their equipment.
169. Conventionally, maps and graphic aids are introduced into mobility work only in middle childhood, if at all.
170. An increase in AIDS cases will strain both preventive and curative services.
171. It is important for anyone with HIV/AIDS to have a healthy diet.
172. People are so afraid of dying that they've now decided that only those with Aids will die.
173. Genetic engineering techniques will speed up the development process for the AIDS vaccine, but these experimental new techniques still require time.
174. In general[], all visual aids were used for a purpose.
175. Scientists were optimistic about the prospect of developing an AIDS vaccine.
176. The Bay Area ranked fourth in the nation, with 83 AIDS cases per 100, 000 residents.
177. Our first and subsequent courses have been a success and are part of a long-term commitment to AIDS prevention.
178. Elton John has campaigned for a number of AIDS charities.
179. So the federal government must make a special effort to keep AIDS vaccine research afloat, Gallo said.
180. All cases of transmission of the AIDS virus ever studied fit into one of these three categories.