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85 in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+4Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than eighty. 
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121) Above 85 decibels, the permitted time exposure without hearing protection drops dramatically.
122) Up to four adults can travel for £85 and children up to 15 years of age travel free.
123) Patients are reimbursed for 85% of the schedule fee for each item of general practitioner service and for specialist consultations outside hospitals.
124) For every 100 persons convicted of these serious crimes, 85 are male.
125) Before the war there had been 85 million square feet of floor space; in 1947 it was 59 million.
126) On polling day, the Information Ministry estimated turnout at 85 percent.
127) There were 85, 000 businesses bankrupt, 5, 000 bank failures, 275, 000 families evicted from their homes.
128) When m 0.6, the input resistance remains close to for frequencies up to 85% of the critical frequency.
129) Adams would have chipped in $ 85 million of the cost to build a $ 250 million stadium for football and basketball.
130) Gamble challenged the ad after it tried 85 times to reproduce the results.
131) Average relative humidity is high throughout the year, ranging from 80 to 88% saturation, with an annual mean of 85%.
132) Recent polls have gauged the president's support at 85% or more.
133) In 1977,( only 85 people enjoyed this fortunate tax status.
134) It also handles about 85 percent of all securities arbitration cases.
135) Usenet-the Net's prime discussion area-comprises over 85,000 newsgroups, each dedicated to a specific topic.
136) About 85 % were at a discount as of mid-December, according to Lipper.
137) Without even realizing, it runs up a payroll tax bill of $ 85, 000.
138) There is a choice of over 260 walks exploring 85 different areas throughout the country.
139) The budget of EC$184,000,000 projected capital expenditure at EC$85,100,000 and recurrent expenditure at EC$98,800,000, while revenue was estimated at EC$103,00,000.
140) He said he never reached more than 85% fitness after the injury.
141) Imagine what anyone would feel if they were getting their salary cut by 85 percent.
142) Of the accepted bids, 85.8 percent included bonds which were issued at a 35 percent discount in exchange for bank loans.
143) Between 1982/83 and 1984/85 the level of taxation remained relatively stable.
144) He said that his government was prepared to share power with the Hutu majority,( who comprised 85 percent of the population.
145) The stress echo and nuclear tests are both approximately 85 to 95 percent accurate.
146) He admitted stealing £85 from the electricity meter and burglary involving £10.
147) An accompanying exhibition of Pre-Raphaelite paintings mounted by Peter Nahum will include a work by Burne-Jones priced at £85,000.
148) For example, of those who need help with shopping 85 percent receive this from the informal sector.
149) Sir David Serpell's report suggested axing 85 percent of the railway network.
150) But he tricked them out of the deeds, then conned them out of £85,000 to buy a Bentley.
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