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85 in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+4Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than eighty. 
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151) In fact, reservations for state park campgrounds are already 85 percent booked for the entire summer.
152) If they do this, the doctor is paid the 85% of the fee covered by Medicare and the patient pays nothing.
153) Strategy 85 Assembly processing for PS.
154) Buzzer sound volume level: 10 feet to 85 dB.
155) The scale-up comes in the wake of a challenging year for the region, in which the number of African children stricken by polio doubled to 1037 (85% of the global total).
156) The relative bioavailability of acetaminophen and codeine was 99.97 % ± s 10.55 % and 100.73 % ± s 7.85 % respectively.
157) Defying his 85 years as well as gravity, Carol Johnston practices pole vaulting in Walnut, California.
158) Our company needs to purchase magnesium chloride (purity over 65%), magnesia (purity over 85%) and perlite from Africa and ship them to Tripoli, capital of Libya where we have a project going on.
159) Results: Incidence of nosocomial lung infection was as high as 85.7% with Gram negtive bacteria species as main pathogen.
160) RHD infection has been characterized as an acute fatal necrotic viral hepatitis in up to 85% adult (older than 2 months) rabbits died within 36 to 72 hours after infection.
161) As for Jeremy Bentham, who launched utilitarianism as a doctrine in moral and legal philosophy, Bentham died in 1832 at the age of 85.
162) This essay introduces the Basidiomycotina Hymenomycetes of edible fungi resources of Hebei province. It includes 6 orders, 21 families and 85 species.
163) The USS system is a favorite for 85 % of all recumbent trikes sold.
164) Results G ~ + coccus(, G ~ + rod and G ~ - rod were seen frequently and share 97.85 %.
165) LQ Monorail tool cabinet tool cabinet in this series by monorail drawer, can be 85% open, every drawer loading 60kg, apply to place the measuring tools, cutting tools, tooling and other items.
166) Neurological complications mainly presented as brainstem encephalitis (85.4%), and the most common symptoms included fatigue (100%), myoclonic jerks(85.4%), Vomiting(51.6%), irritation (50%).
167) A good regulation can use at appropriate table: Want to have 90 centimeters wide, mensal both sides should leave the free space that has 85 centimeters to put chair and cross a body.
168) Iron ore is currently trading on the spot market at about $ 85 - $ 87 a tonne, brokers say.
169) In the project of west to east gas pipe line, the CVN index are prescribed clearly that the sharpy impact energy should reach 120J, 85%.
170) George A. Bonanno, a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia known for his work on resilience (the reaction of the 85 percent of the population that does adapt to loss), was skeptical at first.
171) Composite nitroamine propellant is composed of 70 % ~85 % nitroamine and 15 % ~30 % thermosetting binder.
172) A nitrofluorescein compound was obtained from 4 - nitro phthalic acid and resorcinol a yield of 85.
173) The ICE Brent crude contract witnessed active trade for a second day running as the October contract rose 43 cents to settle at $78.17[], having earlier hit a one-month high of $78.85.
174) Under the condition of phase-transfer catalyst existing, o-nitroanisole was obtained via dropping thick base at atmospheric pressure and reflux temperature, the yield was 85%.
175) Result The effectual rate with diathermy of ultra intermediate frequency is 85 %.
176) Since 2008, three other countries have signed on for the special credit line – Costa Rica ($65 million), Colombia ($150 million) and Guatemala ($85 million).
177) Voter turnout was projected at 85 percent, a level not seen in 40 years.
178) The results showed that the removal rates of COD, BOD and colority reached to over 85% and S2-removal rate reached to over 95%, effectively improving the treating effect.
179) Along with the movement time's extension, the proportion which the fat energizes may reach the total flow 85%.
180) Blood group O and blood group A were equally frequent and comprised approximately 85% of the men.
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