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85 in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+4Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than eighty. 
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91) The old San Siro stadium, now formally called Giuseppe Meazza, became an all-seater arena holding 85,000 people.
92) Duncan and Goodwin examine the subsidizing of council housing, via contributions made from the rates, in London in 1984/85.
93) Article 85 is concerned with the operation of restrictive practices, where they affect trade between member states.
94) As for open systems, Bonfield said that 85% of all the group's products now come under this category.
95) The Finex dollar index was last at 85. 12, up from 84. 91 late yesterday in New York.
96) The debt ratio fell to 65.9 per cent, down 19.4 percentage points from 85.3 per cent last year.
97) In the early 1970s, 85 percent of all intercollegiate athletes were men.
98) The gender distribution also followed a predictable pattern, with the overwhelming majority, 85 percent, being male.
99) Response sheets were sent out to these 200 with a covering letter from the agency concerned and 85 positive responses were received.
100) Price controls were lifted from 85 percent of goods, causing prices on average to double in the course of January alone.
101) It was in excellent condition, was only a year old and cost me £85.
102) A Redbook survey found that 85 percent of married men expect to be present at the births of their children.
103) Black pleaded guilty to the theft and obtaining £85 by deception from Wagers bookmakers.
104) Her salary was £85 perannum with board and lodging,(Sentencedict) rising to £95 after one year.
105) At Sainsburys whole fresh salmon is even lower at £1.98; smoked salmon is down by £1 to £5.85 for 8 oz.
106) In perfectly irreproachable South Carolina, which Fritz Hollings represents to its everlasting glory, the figure was 85 percent.
107) One quarter of the former but 85 percent of the latter had discontinued contraception eighteen months after initial use.
108) Capital spending by London councils fell by 85 percent. between 1979-80 and 1989-90.
109) After 85 years, the local newspaper closed down last month.
110) The Finex dollar index was last at 85. 02, down from 85. 07 late yesterday in New York.
111) Hardly chump change, but well below the $ 2. 85 million at which he signed with Carolina.
112) Over 85% of the male population are or were manual workers.
113) What is the most amount of money you have spent on an item of clothing? £85 on an Arabella Pollen dress.
114) Refuse collection was seen as the best service, pleasing 85%.
115) In 1913, 150,000 tons of unrefined sugar arrived at the Nord stations, 85 percent of it at La Chapelle-Charbons.
116) This means that marginal tax rates for some elderly taxpayers are 85 % higher than for younger taxpayers.
117) Of the operations acquired by Verio as of the beginning of 1998, over 85 % are on the national systems.
118) And considering that his claim of an 85 percent cure rate was presented without any supporting evidence.
119) Classification of Coligny's white grapes jumped from 85% to 90% in 1985, assuming premier cru status.
120) Success in this 85 mile road race is only one of Andy's many cycling achievements.
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