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85 in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+4Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than eighty. 
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31) Earnings per share fell 85.1% to 1.3 pence.
32) Construction of Highway 85 will begin soon.
33) In total, 85 genera with 860 species are known.
34) Applications for the priesthood fell by 85 per cent.
35) While 85 % of respondents claimed significant cost savings, 60 % reported considerable time savings.
36) Between 1981 and 1986 the average hospital stay for a patient aged 85 and over decreased by 7.7 days.
37) They reached 38 in that period and the opening partnership blossomed to 85.
38) It is bluish-white, and 780 times as luminous as the Sun; its distance is 85 light-years.
39) Reynolds could get a prison term of up to 85 years.
40) All three pay 6.85 per cent, offer instant access, and welcome deposits from £1.
41) In this context, news relates to the messages stored in more than 85,000 discussion groups.
42) Sizewell B, with enhanced diversity in control and monitoring systems, will certainly produce at over 85 percent load factor.
43) More than 85,000 copies of the magazine sold within three weeks.
43) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
44) Atheism is rooted in science and reason, and atheists distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. (85% of the members of America's national academy of science reject God.). Dr T.P.Chia 
45) Officers are now comforting his 85 year old former housekeeper who also lives at the cottage.
46) Down: The soft plumage of water fowl, minimum weight ratio 85% down, 15% feathers.
47) In 1789-90 the conviction rate in London was 79 percent and in the provinces 85 percent.
48) More than 85% of those questioned say they think stores should have freephone numbers to deal with shoppers' enquiries.
49) Yet, according to the chief constable,( in the same period calls for service have increased by 85 percent.
50) Water is a miraculous substance remover; it will remove probably 85 percent of all stains.
51) Wasserstein and Perella, in 1987, generated $ 3 85 million in fees for their employer, First Boston.
52) Mitchell was conditionally discharged for 12 months and ordered to pay £180 compensation and £85 costs.
53) Net mortgage lending by building societies dropped 15 percent to Pounds 1.85 billion last month.
54) Darlington council house rents will rise by £2.85 from April an average increase of 14 percent.
55) The report warns that 85 percent of mudflats and surrounding salt marshes and dunes have been damaged by human activities.
56) For another $ 50 million to $ 85 million of public money, a retractable dome could be added, they said.
57) For a $ 500 initiation fee, plus $ 85 a month, girls will receive a year-long membership in the academy.
58) However, still in 2001 those aged over 85 will still constitute only 17 in each thousand of total population.
59) Awarded a miserly 85% on Issue 66, on budget it's worth far, far more.
60) Services added just 85, 000 and department stores, apparel and accessory stores lost jobs during the October-December period.
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