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85 in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+4Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than eighty. 
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61) The one-piece oscar went to a Leiston man for £105 and the broken one was sold for an amazing £85.
62) It expects revenue to exceed $ 100 million this year, up from $ 85 million last year.
63) The pilot and a female passenger survived the crash near Skagway, 85 miles north of Juneau.
64) About 85 new restaurants will be opened in the next two years to bring the total to well over 500.
65) In Texas, for instance, the total amount of punitive damages awarded between 1968 and 1971 was $ 85, 000.
66) You now make $ 85, 000, and you have a net worth.
67) In the 1950s, 85 percent of all election victories resulted in a first contract.
68) More than 85 per cent of the films contained tobacco use.
69) The lowest unemployment in the state, about 2 percent to 3 percent, runs along the Greenville-Spartanburg stretch of Interstate 85.
70) Thus, if forest comprises 85 percent of the area, it must be allotted 55 percent of the squares.
71) The Commission has the primary responsibility for enforcement of Articles 85 and 86.
72) As much as 85 percent of cars had a radio, and over half were used whenever the car was driven.
73) This option would cost £85 million, or if the trains were put in tunnels through the city centre, £105 million.
73) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
74) That translated to about $ 700; the pound was worth $ 1. 85 in mid-March 1991.
75) Two-thirds of the respondents were satisfied with local bus services, while coach services won 85% approval.
76) When he died aged 85, his young mistress and 10 illegitimate children inherited his money.
77) Of the 169 companies listed, five make up 85% of the value of the composite index.
78) That is terribly important because under the council tax 85 percent. of local expenditure will be met centrally.
79) Fifty staff are putting in £13/4m for 85 p.c. of the equity with venture capital backing from Baronsmead and 3i.
80) Republicans were pushing for $ 85 billion in savings from the Medicaid program for the poor and disabled.
81) Most seeds germinate best between 85 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
82) Altogether there were 85 major raids on London, and eight each on Liverpool/Birkenhead, Birmingham, and Plymouth/Devonport.
83) Price £2.85 3D Interior backgrounds A nice idea that really needs some fishkeeping skill to get the best out of.
84) And here at the equator, we noted, it was 85 degrees, with cloudless sky and tropical breezes.
85) Tariffs on imported cars would drop from 85 percent to 60 percent in 1991 and to 35 percent by 1994.
86) The ministers also agreed to phase out 85% of production of these chemicals by 1994.
87) The company is now directly involved in 85% of its overseas distribution compared with 25% five years ago.
88) I think perhaps you should have paid more attention to Chapter 85 in your instruction manual.
89) In calendar year 1996, the Cfund returned 22. 85 percent.
90) A neck-firming cream, £85, and face-tightening mask, £50, have also just been launched.
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