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2 in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+100Posted:2017-11-16Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number. adj. being one more than one. 
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121. He sold the rights for $2 million.
122. Germany's earnings from exports rose by 2%.
123. They voted 15 to 2 to accept the offer.
124. Average weekly cinema attendance in February was 2.41 million.
125. The course is 1 year FT, 2 years PT.
126. If you take both dresses, I'll knock £2 off.
127. She doesn't go on until Act 2.
128. These issues were touched on in Chapter 2.
129. 2.8 to the nearest round number is 3.
130. Inflation averaged just under 2.8% per year.
131. The final score was a respectable 2:1.
132. My daughter placed 2,000 yuan to her credit.
133. I've heard that he's worth over $2 million.
134. The business has liabilities of £2 million.
135. We advanced her $2,000 against future royalties.
136. One kilogram is roughly the same as 2.2 lbs.
137. The place could just about take 2,000 people.
138. Diane went into labour at 2 o'clock.
139. The company will be capitalized at £2 million.
140. We put our watches forward by 2 hours.
141. The fire reached its height around 2 a.m.
142. The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2:1.
143. The play was taken off after only 2 performances.
144. I'll meet you outside the theatre at 2 o'clock.
145. Matthew arrived at 2 o'clock as arranged.
146. Newcastle were defeated by 3 goals to 2.
147. If we met at 2,( ) would that suit you?
148. Profits jumped to £2.6 million last year.
149. Houses here rent for at least $2,500 a week.
150. The survey has a margin of error of 2.1%.
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