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Beef in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+23Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beef cattlebellyachebitchboeufcrabgripegrousehollerkicksquawkSimilar words: free fromtake effectthe greenhouse effectMeaning: [biːf]  n. 1. cattle that are reared for their meat 2. meat from an adult domestic bovine 3. informal terms for objecting. v. complain. 
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241) Chunks of frozen brine shrimp or a pile of ground beef will be greedily attacked.
242) It is a fast-growing breed and can produce a more acceptable calf for beef than the Jersey.
243) The hot kind is made of beef and pork with chili peppers.
243) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
244) The Provencale beef daube and the zucchini casserole, for instance, were decent but not distinctive.
245) Meanwhile Solana is forging ahead with plans to beef up his own operation.
246) Its breed society considers it to be a dual-purpose type, though it is rather slow-maturing for beef.
247) Very little of Prime beef reaches the supermarket; this quality is purchased by the restaurant trade.
248) Simmer for one hour. Add carrots and celery, then beef broth.
249) We had beef stew for supper.
250) The beef was overcooked and too chewy to swallow.
251) Give me a kilo of beef jerky.
252) Suitable meats include poultry, rabbit, or beef that has been deboned.
253) A wine that is great with flavoursome dishess of beef, mutton(, lamb.
254) U.S. demand for beef has fostered considerable conversion of forest to pasture.
255) Stewed red shark, baked oysters, clear beef broth Eel Ukrainian ears are the representation of Chaozhou Cuisine's seafood .
256) The ban on beef led to threats in Congress of trade restriction against Japan.
257) In response the government has promised to beef up its military presence in the north.
258) As raw beef contains harmful bacteria , it needs to be cooked tat least seventy-one degrees before it is safe to eat.
259) The beef patty is also high in fat -- varying between 37 and 54 percent of the total caloric content -- and has been cooked at a high temperature.
260) If my dogs won't each I just mix a bit of beef cesar dinner in and they chow it down. You can also put kefir on itchy skin.
261) Main Course - Bubble and Squeak This classic dish originally contained beef along with the left-over cooked potatoes and cabbage, though today people don't generally bother with the meat.
262) HG is a partner in the public partnership Belgian Blue Genetics(BBG). BBG provides over one million units of beef semen annually, both for purebred breeding and cross breeding.
263) They were skilled and fearless horsemen who herded longhorn cattle up the trails from Mexico and Texas to provide beef to various military posts in the Wyoming territory.
264) Islamic moon cake, it is the moon cake with the Huis peculiar place with Mohammedan belief, do not contain the component of the pig, became famous most with Islamic beef moon cake.
265) Learn how to cut cold butter for beef flank steak with expert cooking tips in this free meat recipe video clip.
266) Culinary suggestions Side of beef with boletus mushrooms. Wild boar , venison. Roast duck with cherries.
267) Other examples are: the fat of meats, bone-marrow, suet (the best found around the loin and kidneys of the beef creature), cocoanut butter, butterine , and oleomargarine.
268) Ingredients:Water, Organic Carrots, Organic Finely Ground Beef, Organic Spinach, Organic Garbanzo Bean Flour, Organic Tomato Paste, Organic Whole Durum Wheat Flour. CONTAINS: WHEAT.
269) The results indicated: freeze-drying method could do the longest preservation (at least 15 years) while beef broth agar plate method did the shortest (only 2 to 3 months).
270) Beef casing stuffed with a seasoned mixture of matzo meal or flour, onion, and suet, prepared by boiling, then roasting.
More similar words: free fromtake effectthe greenhouse effect
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