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Yuan in a sentence

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Sentence count:218+15Posted:2017-12-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Mongol dynastyYuanYuan dynastykwaiSimilar words: yuan dynastyluandaquantguanoquangotruantiguananuanceMeaning: n. 1. the basic unit of money in China 2. the imperial dynasty of China from 1279 to 1368. 
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(151) The use of the elementary transformation matrix discussed the one yuan polynomial greatest common factor the matrix law.
(152) It has also earmarked 15 million yuan to subsidize farmers buying irrigation equipment.
(153) It is expected that China's GDP will have reached 12.5 trillion yuan ( US $ 1.5 trillion ) by 2005.
(154) In case the amount exceeds 3000 yuan RMB, the exceeding amount shall be levied taxes in compliance with statutory tariff.
(155) Special transfer payments will total 1.257988 trillion yuan, an increase of 261.295billion yuan or 26.2%, equivalent to 52.5% of total transfer payments.
(156) The value-added of tertiary industry rose 9.5% to 12.05 trillion yuan in 2008, the first time since 2003 that it grew faster than secondary industry.
(157) Recently, the Executive Yuan will take the "Double Hiking" policy of insurance fee and personal part again.
(158) I have finished my travel on official business. These are the invoices and 170 Yuan spare cash.
(159) I borrowed 3000 yuan to fix a pigsty and now I keep some pigs.
(160) Some senior officials have also emphasized that China's exporters might suffer unacceptably from a yuan appreciation.
(161) As for the Jiangxi poetry school's invariable and uncreative imitation of the previous poetry,( Yuan bowen voiced his fierce criticism for their lack of courage to face the reality.
(162) Method: We questioned the staff of one middle-sized hospital in Tai Yuan, and divided them into three groups: the clinician and nurse clinician, the doctor and nurse in assistant departments, others.
(163) Turn spend the New Year. Chicken laid. He sells to roadside market rather. 0 . 5 yuan.
(164) Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars.
(165) In the past three weeks, China has come tantalizingly close to signaling some sort of a policy shift. The PBOC has fixed the yuan mid-point at a series of record highs, and did so yet again on Monday.
(166) Energy from coal, which is the source for 80 percent of the nation's energy output, is sold at about 0.4 yuan a kwh.
(167) In initial period of Northern Yuan, still took KaraKorum as capital.
(168) Tax Law Article VI of the twenty-ninth article said the cost of additional abatement standards for 2800 yuan.
(169) The results of cost-benefit analysis showed that the benefit-cost ratio was 1.50, the net benefit was 76406 yuan, both the benefit-cost ratio and the net benefit has been increasing every year.
(170) Wuhan be yuan of temple arhat hall's responsibility 367 th label to find the solution!
(171) Meanwhile, Li said, domestic copper prices would tumble to some 50,000 yuan per ton on average, from 60(,000 yuan.
(172) Magic hand has become a well-known international brands, trademarks assessment of over 100 million yuan.
(173) If China were to adjust the value of the yuan based on its effective exchange rate, it could mean less focus on the bilateral yuan-dollar rate.
(174) Though the secularization of monks is not secularity of Yuan Danasty , it is the most prominent.
(175) To this six yuan of forty cents, I have an incomprehension armful.
(176) Thus, Yan Ping Unicom is expected to this year's target price for 9 yuan.
(177) Defendant Lv Yuan Cheng admits to the facts contained in the public prosecutor ? ? s charges.
(178) Yuan should go global eventually with free float exchange rate at an optimal timing.
(179) Even in person at the scene of Yuan Longping, academician also nodded again and again.
(180) Cleansing Oil, then you can use rice, soap, after using very fresh, you can Remove all makeup, skin will not dry, 10 yuan.
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