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Xv in a sentence

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Sentence count:38Posted:2018-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the sum of fourteen and one. adj. being one more than fourteen. 
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1, He skippered the second Rugby XV.
2, Performing for King Louis XV.
4, A French cannon from the era of Louis XV.
5, Article XV of the drunken person in violation of public security management, and should be punished.
6, The painting shows the one-time mistress of Louis XV in the last year of her life.
7, French courtier and influential mistress of Louis XV. She was guillotined for crimes against the state by a Revolutionary tribunal.
8, The court French king Louis XV was even named "the perfumed court".
9, Testing of the full XV - 1 rotor was conducted in the NASA - Ames 40×80 Ft.
10, Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu.
11, Initially built under the reign of Louis XV ,( it was meant to be a church modeled after a Roman temple.
12, Very Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu.
13, analogues were synthsized ( I ~ XVI ). Of them, 8 compounds ( I, II , V ~ VII , IX , XI and XV ) were first reported.
14, Can summon an Honor Guard of XV 8 Crisis Suits.
15, XV ( Blue ): A fast cutting media that leaves excellent finishes ready for anodizing or painting.
16, The mind rarely wanders to King Louis XV of France when standing in awkward silence in a lift, yet his lustful urges inspired the innovation.
17, XV. The average score of each routine review is the grade of each subject routine review.
18, Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.
19, But, whether you are browsing around an expensive shop, gasping at the price of a Louis XV bed, or rummaging through a bric-a-brac stall, the thrill of antique hunting is the same.
20, He that abideth in Me and I in him, the same breath much fruit xv. 5.
21, Amendments to the Code may also be adopted following the procedures in Article XV.
22, McDonnell received a contract in February 1952 for two prototypes of the single - engine, two - seat XV - 1 .
23, The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively when they acted as emperors.
24, XZ ( Red ): A rapid metal removel media , heavy than XV, make a smooth surface.
25, While in Paris, Mozart was hired to perform for King Louis XV and Queen Maria Leszczynska.
26, It's a trick that's been around for centuries ... Madame du Barry regularly served ginger to her lovers, including Louis XV, to drive them mad.
27, His chief work was decorative panels commissioned by Madame du Barry, mistress of Loius XV, for her chateau at Louveciennes.
28, During the regency of Duke of Orleans, regent for the minor heir Louis XV, the formalities of the court gave way to a more casual and intimate atmosphere.
29, Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread.
30, Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806), French painter of the rococo age, was popular in the courts of Louis XV and Louis XVI for his delicately colored scenes of romance, often in garden settings.
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