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Washtub in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2018-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pashtunpushtunbathtubashtonash trayashtrayash treehash tableMeaning: n. a tub in which clothes or linens can be washed. 
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1. The hot washtub and closed his eyes.
2. The washtub was broken into pieces.
3. A wild washtub of whirling water engulfed us.
4. Saturday night must have been pandemonium with everybody needing their turn in the washtub.
5. Instead of taking Barnsley to the cleaners, it was Swindon who went in the washtub and were all but scrubbed out.
6. For Los Angeles to take their water to fill their washtubs and water glasses was one thing.
7. I had slumped down on a high, three-legged stool in back of the metal washtub.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
8. Those are the ones I saw my great-uncle Carl grow, pouring water from a washtub into the soil around the melons and watching the stalks suck it up like a vacuum cleaner.
9. The fifth in the cupboard , the sixth under the washtub , and the seventh in the clock case .
10. Down in the yard the red armed woman was still marching to and fro between the washtub and the line .
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