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Share name in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-05-29Updated:2024-05-29
Similar words: renameforenameforenamedenamelfile nameenamelednode namefilename
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1. The format of the specified share name is invalid.
2. The share name is already used.
3. Make sure your share name doesn't contain spaces or andLinux will complain.
4. Click Share this folder, and ensure the share name is MQHA.
5. The share name on the server to connect to. The default is backup.
6. tstcifs is the shared folder, and the share name is tstcifs.
7. The %u is replaced with the user's name, so it'll automatically expand to a unique share name for each user.
8. conf other than homes, printers, and global to be a share name.
9. Click on share this printer and type a short name in the share name box.
10. To find the filename of the file on the network you need to combine the share name in the network volume table with the final path string.
11. The selected file does not belong to the computer to which this console is connected to or unable to resolve the share name.
12. When a connection request comes in to Samba for a particular share name(sentence dictionary), the daemon looks for a section with that name that would define the properties of that share.
13. Samba does support macros, which allow you to vary the value of the parameter according to items like the share name or input from the user.
More similar words: renameforenameforenamedenamelfile nameenamelednode namefilenamecode nametype nameplace nametooth enameltrade namestage nameenamelwareplace-namestyle namefalse nameenamellingdevice nameabove-namedmiddle nameby the name ofin the name ofof the name ofattribute namebe named aftergo by the name ofunder the name ofworthy of the name
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