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Pu in a sentence

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Sentence count:125Posted:2017-07-25Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a solid silvery grey radioactive transuranic element whose atoms can be split when bombarded with neutrons; found in minute quantities in uranium ores but is usually synthesized in nuclear reactors; 13 isotopes are known with the most important being plutonium 239. 
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(61) Wettability and surface topography of modified PU films were measured by contact angle meter and SEM.
(62) Clay improves the heatproof property of PU by forming a PU/clay composite, but do not affect the glass transition temperature and adhesive property of the composite.
(63) In this paper, a thermal-reactive polyurethane(PU) is used for a silk fabric just as a durable press finishing agent.
(64) A polyurethane adhesive with high light stability was prepared using hexamethylene diisocyanate and used for bonding PVC, PU and leather.
(65) Product features: canvas fabric with PU production, in the material with a new cloth, and fabrics with the same article Ah raw materials to make the overall appearance of the same.
(66) We supply Welding Tools for PU round belt V - belt, including Soldering Welding clamp and Scissor.
(67) In exploring the origin of the Austronesian language-speaking peoples, many scholars opine that they have relations with both the Yue and the Pu groups in ancient China.
(68) Method: Make an analysis of the first aid treatment on the spot where a 6.4-degree ravaging earthquake occurred on June 3,2007 in Ning er County, Pu er City, Yunnan Province.
(69) ABS , pu, resin, hard and soft rubber toning, vacuum mode, spray paint, drawing processing.
(70) Objective:To explore the protective effect of the Phyllanthus Urinaria(PU)extract on the N-cadherin expression in the testicular tissues disrupted by nitrogen mustard(HN2)in vivo.
(71) In this paper, the chlorine-induced degradation and chlorine-resistance of PU fiber has been studied by infrared spectrum analysis, viscometry and elemental analysis.
(72) Investors voting with their feet quickly, hui pu salicylhydrazone half stock prices.
(73) PU is a polymer with urethane segment repetitive structure unit formed after the reaction of TDI and PPG.
(74) Removable PU foam insole may help accommodate a personal orthotic.
(75) The gas bearing reservoir in Du Qiao Bai of Dong Pu depression is deep-lying reservoir with variableformation water, multi-blocks and complex lithology features.
(76) But the pock - marked fellow kept mumbling and grumbling till Commissioner Pu was very embarrassed.
(77) According to GM, nationalist hero Sun Yat-sen owned one, and the last emperor Pu Yi's two Buicks were the first cars to enter the Forbidden City in 1924.
(78) The incombustibility of the military rigid polyurethane (PU) foam materials was studied. The optimum formula of compound flame retardant was determined by screening and orthogonal test.
(79) Pu Zhiren whom I met beside Lake Cuihu was a skilled horticulturist of this kind.
(80) And the neutron dose near the Pu material has been calculated with flux-dose conversion factor. It can supply references to the operators' security.
(81) Bier Pu Harrington's work because of the strong colors of violence, often out animation studio.
(82) Afterwards, had intelligent young people to call Iraq mho Holland too Pu, when gave Egypt the pharaoh to fill left the king designed the grave, has invented one new method of construction.
(83) Doctor suggested that the guardian brings to think positive slightly Pediatric hospital Pu the surgical department or the uropoiesis surgical department makes the further inspection.
(84) Our group especially promulgate the most novel production with modern design elements for you in 2009 . The frame include classic italianate stamp series, pure oxhide and jean series, style PU series.
(85) Objective:The discussion atomization inhales Bolley Connie and Pu Mukle extends the treatment bronchial tube asthma ute attack the effect.
(86) It is a radiological poison, specifically absorbed by bone marrow, and is used, especially the highly fissionable isotope Pu 239, as a reactor fuel and in nuclear weapons.
(87) An interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) was prepared from polypropylene glycol polyurethane (PU) and furfuralcohol resin or HF9200A epoxy furan resin (FA).
(88) PU midsole with pivot can be the balancing area beneath the metatarsus which calls for an productive rolling movements with every solitary and every step.
(89) This paper has introduced the production technology and prescription of the PU Nappa leather , and the impact on BASE performance of choice of the fabric cloth.
(90) This paper discloses the problems of "antonymous defining", analyses the text and the point of view of GUO Pu in his annotation, and concludes that it is a misunderstanding of GUO Pu's view.
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