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Play with in a sentence

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Sentence count:192+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: do away withcomply withkeep company withplayplayerplayoffdisplayfair play
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1, It is better to play with the ears than the tongue. 
2, Don't let your child play with matches.
3, Who would you like to play with?
4, I haven't got anybody to play with!
5, It is dangerous for children to play with gunpowder.
6, With encouragement, Sally is starting to play with the other children.
7, It's wrong for a man to play with a woman's affections.
8, He used to play with a group but now he's going solo/pursuing a solo career.
9, They ended the play with a song.
10, The young girl loved to play with her playmates.
11, It is dangerous to play with matches.
12, Don't worry at your mother to play with you.
13, My children have no one to play with.
14, The boss attempted to play with his woman secretary.
15, Don't let your children play with matches.
16, Oh,( go play with yourself!
17, It is dangerous to play with fire.
18, Having only £200 to play with, they bought a second-hand piano.
19, It is wrong for a man to play with a woman's affections.
20, I asked if I could play with them,( with.html) but they told me to clear off home.
21, Kids need friends of their own age to play with.
22, He always cheats at cards; I never play with him.
23, He had much money to play with in his manhood.
24, My daughter used to play with the kids next door.
25, The boys may refuse to play with the girls, and vice versa.
26, Don't play with me.
27, He's good at devising language games that you can play with students in class.
28, She was thrilled at the idea of having her very own toys to play with.
29, The budget is very tight, so there isn't much money to play with.
30, Conditioning starts as soon as boys are given guns to play with and girls are given dolls.
More similar words: do away withcomply withkeep company withplayplayerplayoffdisplayfair playon displaywithgo withdo withwithinwithoutdown withgo withoutbear withdeal withdo withoutcope withwithdrawmeet withget on withwith younglive withtalk withbegin withalong withend up withcome up with
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