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Play ball in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: playbackplay by earpaybackpay backvolleyballplayplay outplayoff
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(1) D'you want to go out and play ball ?
(2) You need good hand-eye coordination to play ball games.
(3) So far, the company has refused to play ball, preferring to remain independent.
(4) Why are children not allowed to play ball games in the park?
(5) Their loan officer refuses to play ball, so we have to get a loan from a different bank.
(6) He has no one to play ball with and tosses his ball against the wall in a most despondent fashion.
(7) Let's choose up and play ball.
(8) But to do that you need to play ball, beach ball that is.
(9) We have the sanction of the law to play ball in this park.
(10) Play ball. Researchers autistics'social skills in this computer game of toss.
(11) The old geezer wouldn't let them play ball in his pasture.
(12) The land developer hoped the mayor would play ball on the scheme.
(13) The family wanted him to be looked after at home(, but the insurance company refused to play ball.
(14) The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball.
(15) There is a simple, inexpensive solution for those who refuse to play ball with the system.
(16) This year, the labor situation is still unsettled, but Dewey is ready to go to Arizona and play ball.
(17) It seemed clear to us that we would always have the time to play ball and get better as we went along.
(18) You kids should go outside if you want to play ball.
(19) If she scored high enough, she would come to the university and play ball.
(20) On summer evenings, when the sky remained light until nine, there was plenty of time to play ball after dinner.
More similar words: playbackplay by earpaybackpay backvolleyballplayplay outplayoffreplayplay onplay atplay upplayerplay offplayingplayfuldownplaydisplayplay downplay withfair playplay alongon displayinterplayplayfullyplay a parthorseplayplaythingplay it safeplaygroup
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