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Pay in a sentence

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Sentence count:150+73Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compensategiveremunerateAntonym: ownSimilar words: pay outpay forpay offpay uppaymentpay backtaxpayerpay attention toMeaning: [peɪ]  n. something that remunerates. v. 1. give money, usually in exchange for goods or services 2. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow 3. do or give something to somebody in return 4. bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action 5. cancel or discharge a debt 6. bring in 7. render 8. be worth it 9. dedicate 10. discharge or settle 11. make a compensation for. 
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91. The pay will be proportional to the time put in.
92. The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent.
93. Happiness belongs to those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
94. The question is, how much are they going to pay you?
95. People without insurance had to pay for their own repairs.
96. It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything.
97. In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity.
98. They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.
99. When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
100. My goods were lost in the fire and the insurance company will have to pay up.
101. Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
102. He punished the children for their carelessness by making them pay for the damage.
103. The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees.
104. She could have stipulated that she would pay when she collected the computer.
105. A greater cause for resentment is the discrepancy in pay.
106. She fobbed him off with a promise to pay him the money next week.
107. I'm short of funds so I'll pay you next week.
108. You can't buy love. But you pay heavily for it.
109. Do you have to pay charges if you go overdrawn?
110. Is there a one-to-one relationship between pay levels and productivity?
111. The judge pronounced for the defendant,[] and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs.
112. Don't be ridiculous! You can't pay £40 for a T-shirt!
113. You pay for the car by banker's draft in the local currency.
113. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
114. fend for yourself to look after yourself without help from anyone else: His parents agreed to pay the rent for his apartment but otherwise left him to fend for himself.
115. I have a commitment to him to pay all the debt.
116. Children over five must pay full price for the ticket.
117. A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
118. People are prepared to pay high prices for designer clothes.
119. Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay.
120. We went to pay our respects to our new neighbours.
More similar words: pay outpay forpay offpay uppaymentpay backtaxpayerpay attention to
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