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Offtake in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2018-09-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: make mistaketake the cakemake a mistaketakestaketakertakentake in
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1 Offtake from other Asian and Japanese consumers has also been brisk.
2 He also including some, such as gas offtake station, variable power distribution room, heat exchange stations, public toilets, shelter, and other outdoor projects.
3 The offtake lost from the decline of traditional photography -- silver's main source of demand -- has not been replaced by evolving new uses such as photovoltaic cells in solar panels.
4 Nonmetal pipelines, including drainpipe and offtake, should be detected by geological radar.
5 With 90% of total consumer offtake in the region in the form of jewellery, this decline was largely down to the combination of the high gold price and a tightening of consumer spending.
6 Overall, the heaviest offtake of Canadian comes from China and Soviet Union.
7 Under an offtake agreement with the limited partnership, WISCO will be obliged to buy, at fair market value, a percentage of iron ore produced each year at the Bloom Lake mine.
8 Tears On An Empty Spawn As if an offtake of Dickens For those beauties and vixens, The lovely is in deficit stricken.
9 Latest World Gold Council quarterly demand statistics showed that gold jewellery offtake has improved over the past four quarters despite a higher gold price.
10 Softer U. S. domestic usage headlined the U. S. soybean meal balance with domestic use and exports sharing the moderated soybean oil offtake.
11 AS the outlet pipe of well F1 is exposed, it has completed rotten, and lost the drainage function,[] so we have to rebuilt the downstream offtake.
12 Well injection rates in a particular area would initially be generally similar to pumping, offtake, rates.
13 High, medium and low gas pipeline 150 km, 14 offtake station, building supply rate of more than 95%.
14 Under the terms of the agreement, Hunan Province-based Chinese company Hunan Valin Liangang Import and Export Co. is expected to sign an offtake agreement with Havilah.
15 Accordingly, strikes occurring at a Distributor's operations should not relieve the Distributor from its offtake obligations to the Company.
16 S. domestic usage headlined the U. S. soybean meal balance with domestic use and exports sharing the moderated soybean oil offtake .
17 China -- the world's biggest consumer of many metals including copper and iron ore -- is pressing forward with its strategy to secure long-term supplies by linking financing with offtake deals.
18 It is the two-pronged support of a rise in industrial offtake and ongoing support from investor nervousness in western markets that is expected to continue driving silver prices.
19 This month's U. S. 2011/12 cotton estimates reflect lower supplies and offtake, resulting in ending stocks marginally above last month.
More similar words: make mistaketake the cakemake a mistaketakestaketakertakentake instakestakeouttake-intakeuptake totake-upintaketake offtake ontakeoffuptaketake upretaketake-offtake forbetaketake outtake astake carestake outtake holdtake form
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