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Numbers in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+36Posted:2017-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: numberpersonal identification numbernumber oneoutnumbernumberedcall numbera number ofany number ofMeaning: ['nʌmbə(r)]  n. 1. the fourth book of the Old Testament; contains a record of the number of Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt 2. an illegal daily lottery. 
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151. The scheme housed children in large numbers in prefabricated huts.
152. Student numbers at the college have increased by 25 per cent.
153. The 1990s saw a huge increase in the numbers of low-cost airlines.
154. A binary number is a number written in base 2, using the two numbers 0 and 1.
155. Many people still feel there is safety in numbers when belonging to a union.
156. You can plot all these numbers on one diagram for comparison.
157. Large numbers of families are living on or near the poverty line .
158. To solve the puzzle(, simply reverse the order of the numbers.
159. We need to invite three more girls to balance up the numbers .
160. He added the numbers mentally; he did not need a pencil and paper.
161. Add all the numbers together, divide by ten, and take away the number you first thought of.
162. The new building will mean that we can meet the challenge of increasing student numbers.
163. She can deal with complicated numbers in her head,[] but we lesser mortals need calculators!
164. Large numbers of police were in the square to forestall any demonstrations.
165. Temperatures will not rise above zero tonight. Over is used with numbers, ages, money and time:He's over 50.
166. Different words with the same spelling are distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers.
167. The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.
168. The computer will crunch all the numbers to determine the final score.
169. Responsibility for the dance numbers was split between Robert Alton and the young George Balanchine.
170. He has not been signed to the club as a makeweight to fill out the numbers.
171. The mud is a feeding ground for large numbers of birds.
172. Ordinal numbers are used in these sentences: 'She was fifth in the race' and 'They celebrated the 200th anniversary of the university's foundation'.
173. How do you keep all those telephone numbers in your head?
174. It's not a job for anyone who is slow with numbers.
175. MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer.
176. Add these numbers together and then divide the total by 7.
177. Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.
178. While the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential market is large.
179. The demand for phone numbers has increased since the arrival of mobile phones.
180. The refugees come across the border in vast numbers .
More similar words: numberpersonal identification numbernumber oneoutnumbernumberedcall numbera number ofany number ofa hot numbernumber lineeven numbermass numberpage numberphone numberwhole numbernumber plateprime numberto the number ofatomic numberserial numberaccount numbera large number ofopposite numbercumbersomebenumbedlumbercumberslumberplumbercucumber
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